UN Report: Iran Eliminates Sensitive Nuclear Stockpile

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A report from the United Nations nuclear agency said Iran has converted or diluted its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, as called for in an agreement the country reached with a group of six world powers last November.

The report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, obtained by Western news agencies Sunday, said Iran’s more than 200-kilogram stockpile of uranium enriched to 20 percent has been turned into harmless forms.

The six-month international agreement called for Iran to halt its most sensitive nuclear activity, including the 20-percent enrichment, in exchange for limited sanctions relief.

The two sides were due to reach a more comprehensive deal by Sunday, but instead decided to extend their deadline to November 24.

Iran has rejected accusations that it is trying to develop nuclear weapons, saying that its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes.

Source: VOA News

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