Terrorism: China offers military support to Nigeria

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The emerging economic super power of the world, the People’s Republic of China on Wednesday pledged to give military support to Nigeria in its current efforts at tackling terrorism.
‎Chinese Parliament President, Mr. Zhang Dejiang, who doubles as the Chairman, National People’s Congress of China, stated this when he led some members of the Chinese parliament on a visit to the Senate President, David Mark, in Abuja.

Dejiang said the bilateral cooperation would cover areas of training and retraining of security personnel on how to tackle terrorism and disaster response capabilities. The arrangement will see the China and Nigeria have exchange programmes for military officers and students of Defence colleges.

China currently running a friendly administration and upholds the sanctity of the rule of law but pledged to present the issue of the review of its criminal law for the sake of Nigerians who were undergoing prosecution in his country. He said,  “ I will table the requests of the Senate President before the Chinese government for a possible review of our criminal laws, especially on those convicted on criminal offences,”

Mark had earlier asked his counterpart to prevail on his government for assistance to Nigeria in the mass production of military hardware for the Navy, Army, Air Force and the Police as well as having an aircraft spare parts production centre in the country. He also asked for China’s support for Nigeria’s bid for the UN Security Council seat as a non- permanent member from 2015 – 2016 and as a permanent member from Africa in an expanded UN Security Council.

He pleaded with the Chinese parliament leader to facilitate a review of the cases of several Nigerians in Chinese prisons, those awaiting trial and others who had been sentenced to death under the transfer of prisoners arrangement.

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