Saraki Urges Nigerians People To Pray For National Progress

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Adetokunbo Fakeye


Nigeria’s Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, on Thursday called on Nigerians to continue to pray fervently for the success of the present administration.

Saraki made this call in Abuja when he received the Ilorin Emirate Descendant Progressive Union, led by its National President, Alhaji Abdulhamid Adi, on a courtesy visit to the Senate President.

He admitted that Nigerians have many reasons  to be grateful to God and urged the people to be selfless in their service to the nation. 

His words, “We have many reasons for what God has done for us. I want to thank you for your support and kind words. I want to assure you, as your son who has served in many capacity that this time around, we will serve you and serve the country that we are proud of. 

“For the purpose of making Nigeria better, for the purpose of ensuring that we have a more stable country and that we are honest with the people  while striving to build a country that will bring benefit, that is not about personal interest, that is not about personal ambition but about the interest of the entire Nigeria; it is our duty to pray for that country that we all wish for”.

Dr. Saraki assured that the interest and well-being of the Nigerian people will be given priority by the Senate. 

“This is our own time to ensure that we partner with one another that we use the opportunity that we have, as you have rightly said,  for the benefit of our people. 
Others have come before and have used the opportunity. I pray that we will use the opportunity very well in the service of humanity and our country. We will work together, united for progress and peace so that at the end of the term, we can say thank you God. 

“This is what happened when we had one of us holding this exalted position. We know where we are coming from, what is important is your prayers. We will bring the change you voted for and I am sure that Nigerians will be proud at the end of the day,” Saraki said.

In his remark, President of Ilorin Emirate Descendant Progressive Union, Alhaji Abdulhamid Adi congratulated the President of the Senate for his election and that of the other Principal officers of the Senate, adding that the union will continue to support him.

Adi said  the Saraki-led Senate has many duties  to perform for Nigerians, citing security, education, health, infrastructure development, energy and employment for the teaming youths as areas where  people are looking up to the government.

He emphasised that no efforts should be spared to develop the Ilorin Emirate socially and economically, so as to enable her continue to play a leading role in the State and at the national level.

“We wish to reaffirm our loyalty, commitment and support for the Federal Government headed by President Muhammadu Buhari. We hereby wish to state categorically and unequivocally that we are solidly behind his change mission and vision for Nigeria particularly in the area of war against corruption and impunity.

“We also urge that President Muhammad Buhari extends hands of fellowship to the Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Saraki, in the same way he did to his erstwhile Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters and friend, Major General Abdulbaki Babatunde Idiagbon (Rtd) of blessed memory,” he said.

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