
Nigeria Has Accessed Over 65 Million Dollars of GEF Funded Projects In 10 Years- Minister

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Between 2014 and now, a total sum of 65,442,940 Dollars has been accessed to fund various projects towards preservation, protection and promoting environmental sustainable development in the country through the Global Environment Facility (GEF). This was disclosed by the Minister of State for Environment, Dr. Iziaq Adekunle Salako, on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at the National Dialogue on Global Environment Facility held at The Wells Carlton Hotels, Asokoro, Abuja.

He said that for more than three decades, GEF has been at the forefront of international efforts to address challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution through funding of projects and programs, driving ambitious climate action, promoting stronger collaboration and transparency thus positively impacting our planet’s health and sustainability. He added that the partnership of GEF with many countries has been a major source of strength in environment protection and means of ameliorating the impacts of climate change..

“This partnership includes 186 governments with Nigeria as a proud member. As you are aware, the National Dialogue served as a feedback platform for inclusivity in setting environmental priorities, mobilizing funding, assessing impact and promoting stewardship in the drive of member countries to achieve sustainable development.

“From inception of the GEF funding to member countries, Nigeria has benefited immensely from GEF grants in implementing projects and programs towards preservation, protection and promoting environmental sustainable development. These projects in the public, private and NGO sectors constitutes a partnership involving the various stakeholders in environmental management. From available records, between 2014 and now, a total sum of 65,442,940 USD have been accessed to fund various projects in the country”, Salako noted.

The Minster said GEF’s recent focus on some special projects have been helping to improve lives.

“In the last 12 months, 7 projects totaling over 29 million USD are being implemented cutting across biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use, promoting clean technologies, provision of mini grids and Mercury free gold mining. These projects are helping to improve life, creating jobs, promoting green spaces, enhancing skill development and promoting entrepreneurship. Let me therefore use this opportunity to appreciate the GEF for being our partner in progress. As we navigate through a rapid changing world, faced by the triple planetary crisis and other environmental threats, Nigeria will continue to partner with GEF to address these challenges and deliver on her environmental commitment.

“The GEF has a long history of commitment to involving stakeholders in its deliberations and decision making. This approach promotes transparency and also helps to raise public awareness for a better understanding on the roles being played by GEF in building a sustainable future. Our discussions here today is therefore of immense significance for the opportunities it presents for us to share insights, exchange ideas, and strengthen partnerships that will shape the trajectory of environmental conservation and sustainable. It is my belief that the dialogue will foster coordination among stakeholders to create synergies in environmental projects and maximize impact. The Federal Ministry of Environment as National Focal Point will continue to play its crucial role in facilitating such multi-stakeholder consultations to ensure effective implementation of GEF funded projects in the spirit of environmental multilateralism and in line with the priority agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR.

“I invite us to reflect on the interconnectedness of our actions and the reverberating effects on our ecosystems, our different communities and the entire planet earth. I urge us all to seek solutions that are inclusive, equitable, resilient, adaptable and scalable, recognizing our diverse perspectives and the needs of all stakeholders involved. We are not merely stakeholders in this process; we are stewards of our planet’s future. Our actions today will reverberate for generations to come. Therefore, it is imperative that we approach these discussions with a sense of urgency, collaboration, and innovation working towards a sustainable, prosperous, and harmonious future for all”, the Minister concluded

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