
National Hajj Commission Announces 2014 Hajj Fare

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Salimot Raji

National Hajj Commission of Nigeria has announced a minimum of N693, 636.77 as the 2014 Hajj fare for intending pilgrims in the country.

This is contained in a statement signed by its Head of Media, Mr Uba Mana, and made available in Abuja.

According to the statement, President Goodluck Jonathan has approved an exchange rate of N150 to one US Dollar for 2014 Hajj transactions.

“The minimum fare for Southern Departure zones with $750 BTA is N693, 636.77 while that of Northern zones is N686, 061.77.

“The medium fare for Southern Departure zones with $1,000 BTA is N731, 136.77 while that of the Northern zones is N723, 561.77.

“The maximum fare for Southern Departure zones with $1,500 BTA is N809, 136.77 while that of the Northern zones is N801, 561.77,” it said.

The statement also said the minimum fare for northern zone with $750 BTA is N636, 496.52, and N643, 869.52 for the southern zone.

“Medium fare with $1000 BTA is N672, 996.52 for northern zone and N680, 369.52 for southern zone.

“Maximum fare, with $1500 BTA is N750, 996.52 for the north and N758, 36,” it said.

It would be recalled that the 2013 Hajj fare without BTA for Northern Departure zones was N526, 996.52, while the fare for the Southern zone without BTA was N534, 369.52

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