Wayne Rooney says working under David Moyes is ‘a new lease of life’

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Wayne Rooney

Wayne Rooney has attempted to draw a line under his differences with Sir Alex Ferguson by emphasising his rapport with David Moyes, claiming he has been revitalised under the current Manchester United manager.

“The new coaching staff have come in and it’s really a new lease of life,” Rooney said after the 1-0 victory over Real Sociedad in the Champions League. “I’m really enjoying working under David Moyes and his staff. I feel like I am in the prime of my career, I feel good, I feel fit and I am just enjoying my football.”

He denied that comments in Ferguson’s new autobiography had reignited a feud or that it was difficult for him to have the former manager as a club director. “No, not at all. I haven’t seen him since he retired. I’m happy under the new management and working to get results under David Moyes and his coaching staff. That’s the main thing for him and the other stuff doesn’t concern me. That’s the past and I’m just looking to the future.

“He’s got his own opinion but all along I’ve said nothing about it. Thankfully he’s gone back and corrected the story that I put a transfer request in. He’s proved that I haven’t and I’m grateful to him for that.”

Moyes had to endure another nervy 90 minutes at Old Trafford against Sociedad, after United failed to add to the lead they gained through an own-goal in the second minute, though Rooney believes goals will come in the end and results with them. “We played some great football and should have won by three or four goals, maybe even five,” Rooney told Sky Sports. “We fully deserved the win, our defending was particularly good and, though we should have had more goals, three points was obviously the most important thing.

“We are working to try to be successful as a team. The new manager has a lot of players hungry and you could see they are all fighting for places. The results haven’t been quite what we want but we are working to put it right.”

Rooney, who turns 28 on Thursday, said he enjoyed the support of the crowd – “It’s great to hear them singing my name” – and his manager paid tribute to the work and commitment the striker has put in since pre-season. “Wayne is in great condition, he has trained really hard and he had an absolutely terrific game,” Moyes said. “I’ve been saying that all along but now he seems to have got even better. I was about to say we’ve got the old Wayne Rooney back but it feels more like we have a new Wayne Rooney. He’s proving capable of adding to his game doing different things,and that can only benefit United and England.”

Moyes also had praise for Shinji Kagawa, whom he has used only sparingly but who played from the start against Sociedad. “I’ve heard a lot about him but tonight was the first time I have really seen Shinji for myself,” the United manager said. “With and without the ball that is the best I have seen him play.”

Kagawa missed a couple of opportunities, along with the rest of the United front line, and Moyes knows his forwards have to toughen up in the coming games. “We need to be more ruthless,” he said. “We are creating enough chances but part of the job is putting them away. If we could get a few more in the net it would make all our jobs easier.”

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