The Nigerian People’s Declaration: October 1st Independence From Nigeria PLC

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Peregrino Brimah

With the effective date of this declaration, which is today, Monday, July 10, 2017, all looter cabal currently residing in any part of Nigeria are hereby served notice to relocate within two months and all masses partnering with them are hereby advised to find real work.

All Nigerian civil society and pressure groups are by this declaration mandated to mobilise for sustained, coordinated campaigns at their respective State Government Houses, State Houses of Assembly, Local Government Council Secretariats and Traditional Palaces to mount pressure for steps to be taken to ensure enforcement of the directives contained herein.

Nigeria and all linked territories and Nigerians abroad hereby openly call on all and sundry, including all national and international stakeholders to acknowledge this declaration by taking steps to facilitate the final eradication of the dangerous Nigeria PLC cabal and the total decontamination of Nigeria from these co-conspiring jackals who have held Nigeria to ransom since inception.

From today, Monday, July 10, 2017, when this proclamation is signed, the Nigerian masses, the owners of the nation, hereby declare that we will no longer be disposed to coexisting with the Nigeria PLC cabal and shall take definite steps to end the partnership by moving deliberately and taking premeditated actions as individuals and groups toward reclaiming our looted moneys, looted assets and looted land from Nigeria PLC and intimidating them to set out of Nigeria on self-exile.

This conclusion is necessitated by the realisation that it since ceased to be comfortable or safe to continue sharing the same country with the ungrateful, uncultured, stupidly greedy and insatiable Nigeria PLC vultures, who have exhibited unending and un-abating reckless disrespect for the life, property and promise of hard working men, women and children of Nigeria and see us only as objects to be looted and exploited by government-imposed and sustained monopolies including of cement, power, telecommunications, food, security and every other facet of life. These raptorial cabal have stained the integrity of the entire nation and torn it apart, fueling and fostering bloody fights and riots between groups since its inception with their insatiable criminal obsessions and brazen quest to make money on the lives of the masses in a continued ponzi-like scheme.

These cabal continue to enjoy and make billions from Fuel-subsidy scam, FOREX subsidy scam, tax free, duty free, free land, oil wells, and all sorts of government scams till date.

Rather than a handful of persons holding the whole country to ransom through all times and at every stage, owning all assets and exploiting all resource, every Nigerian will from the effective day of this resolution, have his right to life, love and the pursuit of happiness and prosperity without being subject to money-dependent political systems built to enable a cabalized selection of and imposition of candidates who are obligated to continue to feed the gluttonous Nigeria PLC cabal.

We hereby advice that all stake-holders in the Nigeria project advice the looter cabal in all three arms of government and the private sector to relinquish their loot, assets and lands within and outside Nigeria purchased from looted funds, and go their way far from Nigeria, while the masses of Nigeria are allowed to go our way too and begin to pick the pieces of our plundered lives and nation(s).

Concerned by this persistent Nigeria PLC threat to national peace, prosperity and hope, we have reviewed the conditions of our existence with the following observations:

The persistence to remain in and around government by the unruly and insatiable cabal who gather together to re-plot at every inter-wedding of their children, has lately assumed another alarming twist as Nigeria’s Attorney general, in spite of losing to SERAP in court has yet declined to release the names of his looter Nigeria PLC friends and the Buhari administration continues to openly fight to shield the looters with the AGF promising to only release their names “piecemeal,” which will keep the main ones who Malami and Buhari have on their speed-dial, unreleased indefinitely, in clear and categorical violation of court’s orders.

To add on the deadly insult, the brazen and desperately plunderous Nigeria PLC have shamelessly sponsored a bill in the National Assembly to grant full Amnesty from inquiry and prosecution for looters. While the Bible says thieves must pay back as much as seven-fold and the Quran tells to cut their hand, shielded and endorsed by the government, Nigeria PLC have legitimized looting and even made it a thing of prestige.

These latest actions and similar oppressive and violently exploitative conducts which amount to a brutal encroachment on the rights of the masses with the sparing of nothing from looting, including the air the masses breathe, are downright unacceptable and shall no longer be tolerated.

Nothing works in Nigeria because of the Nigeria PLC cabal. They continue to sabotage the refineries because of fuel subsidy largesse and then because they are building their own and want high stocks. Also in partnership with their co-conspirators in the government, they sabotage Nigeria’s refineries so they can buy and own them as they did in the past before cabal-killer, late Yar’Adua of beloved memory overturned the sales to them.

They have PhD graduates drive their heavy trucks on the roads and damage them while flying around smoothly in their private jets.

The cabal do not care about the security of Nigeria because they ride in bullet and bomb proof vehicles and plunder money meant for securing the nation through military Procurement officers while helping them buy homes in Dubai and exotic farms in Nigeria.

Nigeria PLC have created a society where kidnapping is rampant and in partnership with state security agencies, they pay to free their loved ones on day one of kidnap while the Nigerian masses like the Lagos Epe kids remain at the mercy of well financed kidnappers, who have made money from Nigeria PLC and received arms from their trade.

The cabal do not care about power and partner with sequential governments to loot Nigeria silly, because they sell generators and use the most expensive systems at home promoting noise and air pollution while the masses continue to cower in darkness in this century.

The cabal who the Nigerian government sold NEPA to, now charge Nigerians the most expensive rates in the world for no service. This is just a latest of the many other services the cabal have used looted money to own and now again use to exploit the masses in ponzi schemes. Others are cement, internet, mobile networks and even the “.ng” domain which is sold at $100/year compared to all other domains sold worldwide which go for as little as $10/year.

There is no pipe-borne water today, in 2017!, while Nigeria PLC operate and sell bottled water for profit, which they even bathe with.

Every single one of their children receives their education abroad while Nigerian schools are allowed to be eye-sores. Fresh-looking Saraki is an example of how their children turn out. Schooled abroad by his cabal dad. Their kids will again have all the opportunity while we and ours compete for scrap. They give their kids CBN jobs while ours wait for NPower handouts. They go to treat headaches abroad and park presidential private jets in wait, while Nigerian hospitals are worse than Babalawo traditional centers.

The Nigeria PLC cabal protect personal interests and oppose the choice of the masses by ensuring that there is no restructuring of Nigeria and that there is no devolution of power because the present deadlocked and regressive state of existence serves their nationwide blood-sucking partnerships and aids their nationwide investments of looted cash.

The Nigerian judiciary has now been weaponized against the Nigerian masses and whenever Nigeria PLC has cases, dozens of SAN attorneys are chattered in a typical format to assure of permanent delay of the cases, intimidation of the opposition and eventual immunity. We saw that in the Buhari certificate case where hundreds of attorneys were engaged to intimidate the court. We have saw it with the case against the senate president and we have seen the travesty justice has become with all other recent cases that remain eternally delayed and with justice served only in the interest of Nigeria PLC and against Nigeria. This status-quo has now become totally intolerable.

Nigeria PLC has sat on the political system and stopped necessary reforms to completely ban political spending which is the only avenue for the emergence and and success of true intellectual and forthright candidates. Nigeria PLC works with successive governments to block such reform where all parties will be equally sponsored by the government and only the true best candidate can win. Nigeria’s fate can no longer be determined in Minna and Otta.

Millions have died in the north due to Boko Haram, sponsored by Nigeria PLC. Nigeria PLC continues to allow the terrorists thrive as it remains a conduit for amassing billions in military supply and services contracts. Nigeria PLC have continued to use Boko Haram and the rebuilding of the northeast as an avenue for looting and even those caught in the act are shielded by the Nigeria PLC president and acting president.

Again to distribute GMO altered seeds for their foreign partners, Nigeria PLC sponsors Boko Haram and Fulani herder terrorists to destroy farming in the nation so the cabal can not only buy up the land but also help force GMO and Monsanto and other poisonous seeds that cannot be re-planted and keep farmers dependent on big corp and in effect on Nigeria PLC, as we see happening in the desperate northeast currently.

Our Recourse

Since Nigeria PLC have clearly abused the unreciprocated hospitality that gave them unrestricted access to, and ownership of wealth, landed properties and assets all over the Nigeria, our first major move shall be to reclaim, assume and assert sole ownership and control of these assets and landed resources currently owned, rented or in any way enjoyed by the ingrate Nigeria PLC looter cabals in any part of Nigeria.

The French revolution where the famous phrase, “the poor will be left nothing to eat but the rich,” and the American Trade-union revolution against the Robber barons happened for the same reason that we are having our revolution this October 1st: to break up a deadly government-private cabal monopoly that has deprived the majority of all hope and their right to life.

Consequently, all Nigerians are immediately mandated to commence immediate inventory of all properties, spaces or activity in the nation currently engaged by the looter cabal for forfeiture at the expiration of the ultimatum contained in this declaration. In specific terms, the good citizens and co-victims of the plunderous cabal are directed to compile and forward an up-to-date data of all locations occupied by any Nigeria PLC cabal in any part of Nigeria as well as their properties abroad including schools, markets, shops, workshops, residences, refineries, farms, industrial plants, oil wells and every other activity-spaces.

We are hereby placing the Nigerian authorities and the entire nation on notice that as from the 1st October 2017, we shall commence the implementation of visible actions to prove to the whole world that we are no longer part of any federal union that should do with the predacious Nigeria PLC cabal. From that date, effective, peaceful and safe mop-up of all the remnants of the stubborn thieving cabal that neglect to heed this quit notice shall commence, to finally eject them from every part of the Nigerian state.

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