Terrorists Group Hacks Lagos, Appeal Court’s Website

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lagos state gov


A suspected terrorist group on Friday morning hacked the official website of the Lagos State government,, and that of the Court of Appeal,
According to New Mail Online, the hackers in a message posted on the two websites after the attack, described the Nigerian government as a terrorist.

The message read (sic), “In the name of God, Message to Nigeria Government and State Sponsors of Terrorism (USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar): Boko Haram and ISIS are terrorists.

“They are killing Muslims and innocent people because of your dirty money, hey Nigeria Government you killed thousands of Muslims and specially Zakzaky’s family too. You are all terrorists, You are all murders, God damn you!

“Allahu maulana wala mula lakum. Database Leaked:”

As at 4:36pm as reported by New Mail Online the website of the Lagos State government when accessed was blank, while as of the same time that of the Court of Appeal still displayed the message, indicating it was still under the control of the hackers.

However, by 6.23pm the Lagos State website returned online.

Lagos State Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Steve Ayorinde, in a statement affirmed that the website was hacked but that it had been retrieved and that the bugs left behind from the hacking were being cleared.

Ayorinde in a statement on Friday assured that the website would soon be restored and it would come out “better and stronger to continue in its tradition of giving accurate and up-to-date information on the activities, policies and programmes of the state government.”

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