Suspected gay rapes twin brothers… Rape cases on the increase in Lagos

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By Busolami Idowu

Godface Ibama, 30 year old man suspected to be a homosexual, was on Wednesday arraigned before a Magistrate’s Court in Port Harcourt. He was accused of unlawfully having carnal knowledge of seven year-old twin brothers, Elijah and Elisha, through the anus.

Ibama, arraigned on two count charges  was brought to the court by the prosecutor, Sergeant Kenneth Osisi, who stood in for the River State Commissioner of Police. The charges read, “That you, Godface Ibama ‘M’ on the 23rd day of August, 2013, at Urualla Waterfront, Mile One Diobu, Port Harcourt in Port Harcourt Magisterial District, did have an unlawful carnal knowledge of one Elijah ‘m’ aged 7 years through the anus without his consent and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 214 (1) of the Criminal Code Cap 37, Vol. II Laws of Rivers State of Nigeria 1999.


“That you, Godface ‘M’ on the same date and place in the aforesaid Magistrial District did have an unlawful carnal knowledge of one Elisha ‘m’ aged 7 years through the anus without his consent and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 214 (1) of the Criminal Code Cap 37, Vol. II Laws of Rivers State of Nigeria 1999.”

The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges. The magistrate ordered that Ibama be remanded in prison custody till September 11, 2013 when arguments on his (accused) bail would be heard.

It was said that Ibama, who was in court without a lawyer to represent him, risks more than 14 years in prison if found guilty of the offence.

Recent rape cases and having unlawful carnal knowledge of minors are becoming worrisome as over 93 rape incidents were reported between January to June 2013 in Lagos State alone. This fact indicates that rape or defilement is increasing in the state, compared to year 2012, with recorded cases of only 42.

According to statistics released by the Office of the Public Defender OPD, Lagos State Ministry of Justice, seven cases were reported in January, six in February, 24 in March, while April, May and June had 21, 29, and six incidences respectively.

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