Spirit of Lagos kicks off attitudinal change campaign in Riverine communities

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Spirit Of Lagos Regatta

Despite the many campaigns by different agencies of government in Lagos State on the need for a cleaner and better Lagos through attitudinal change, many still find it convenient do otherwise through acts of indiscipline.

With an unwavering determination to be an advocate of a clean Lagos, Abiodun Ajewole a boat technician at Ebute-Ero, Lagos  resolved never to throw dirt in the ocean  not urinate into the ocean as he has been doing for over 15 years. “I do these (throwing dirt into the ocean and urinating into the ocean), without taking into cognizance the adverse effect of my act on this environment, I see people do this and I thought this is a normal way of life not until few minutes back when I was enlightened. I promise my God and Lagos that I will abide with the Spirit of Lagos which is all about orderliness which” this is one of the many achievements of Spirit of Lagos group last Monday during the sensitization campaign by members of the group.

After many weeks of preaching attitudinal change to residents of Lagos through the mass media, initiators of Sprit of Lagos a group with passion to return yester-years allure and grandeur of Lagos which has been eroded through different vices took the message of change to Riverine areas of Ilaje, Makoko and Ebute- Ero. Despite the hustling and bustling which characterizes Monday mornings in Lagos, passers-by still stood with engrossing interest as they watch the campaign jetty of Spirit of Lagos sail on the sea of Lagos.

The campaign is an attempt to sensitise and concientise Lagos citizens on countless indices of indiscipline on the part of some Lagos residents, which have caused progressive erosion of the glory of the metropolis. The group, led by its Project Coordinator, Olaniyi Omotoso, is dreaming big, seeking attitudinal change through fundamental re-orientation of the citizenry.

Omotoso who harped on civic responsibility while addressing journalists shortly after the change campaign at the Ocean bank in Ebute Ero, Lagos said no amount of effort put by any government in power into re-ordering any system would yield the desired fruits unless the people shed off their  every act of indiscipline. Omotoso who decried indiscipline on the path of many residents said the efforts which Governor Fashola of Lagos Sate has interjected in re-creating Lagos is enough to halt all  social and environmental nuisance across the land if a good number of residents imbibe the ‘spirit of Lagos’ by eschewing indecent habits that have made the desired change a mirage

“Everybody today wants to do what is good for them and not care about what is good for the society. We lived together as neighbors and we were interested in the welfare of others. We need to bring back those good old values so that we can begin to live as neighbors again. Laws of the land are eroded and those laws need to be re-introduced and people need to get to the point where they will voluntarily adhere with the laws of the land. If we can do these, we will live in a land where everybody will be protected.” He said while clamouring for attitudinal change among residents.  He added that the group’s ongoing campaign would demonstrate and entrench the true spirit of Lagos through enlightenment and behavioral modeling for motivation and inspiration.

“We are Lagosians who love, and are determined to restore the true spirit of Lagos – that spirit of responsible freedom; of communal individuality and a commitment to law and order; that spirit of give and take, and of global excellence for which our Lagos has long been known,” Omotosho said while adding that the campaign started on the water because of the aquatic nature of Lagos.

Olaboludele Simoyan a social and leadership architect who is one of the ambassadors of Spirit of Lagos said the group is all about individuals being a part of the society and contributing to the development of the society in whichever way they can. “If we can get it right in Lagos, we automatically will get it right in Nigeria. We all can do something to bring about new and desirable Lagos. If you want a New Lagos and if you want a New Nigeria, you can do something to achieve that. If each and every Lagosian decides to have a clean Lagos then it is possible if only we can start from our immediate environment, by not littering the floor and not disposing waste irresponsibly. We have a duty not to build on drainages and to destroy public properties.  Governor Fashola has been so good and we all need to contribute our quota because government has done a lot and this is the time for us to do our bit. Use the pedestrian bridge when you need to and don’t disobey traffic rules. Let us contribute our own quota wherever we are.”

The group is passionate about negative attitude of individuals which in turn have negative effects, the concerned individuals have taken it upon themselves through public enlightenment and living right. The Spirit of Lagos group is all about the life of Lagos. It is the embodiment of all things good about Lagos and the very lifeline that connects its glorious past with its future that every resident of Lagos who seeks a sane Lagos long for.

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