Spanish pedophile loses pardon after protests in Morocco

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“King Mohammed VI of Morocco has decided to withdraw the pardon previously accorded to Daniel Galvan Vina,” the royal office announced on its official website on Sunday. Morocco’s king revoked on Sunday the pardon of a convicted Spanish pedophile that sparked angry protests in the North African nation.

The statement said the “exceptional revocation” was ordered by the king because of the “gravity of the crimes committed by the person King Mohammed VI of Moroccoconcerned, as well as out of respect for victims’ rights.”

Galvan was convicted of raping 11 Moroccan children. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison in September 2011. The children ranged in age from 4 to 14 according to reports.

On Friday, hundreds of angry demonstrators protested outside the country’s Parliament building in Rabat, the capital, to protest the royal pardon, according to media reports and social media websites.

It will be recalled that Galvan, a retired professor, was arrested in December 2010 after he was found with CDs and external storage units containing pornographic images of him raping children.

It was unclear whether Galvan had left the country, as reported in some quarters, but the king has ordered the Minister of Justice to speak with his Spanish counterpart about the actions that would follow the revocation of the pardon.

The revocation came according to an official statement because The king “has not been informed on all gravity of the despicable crimes committed by this person,” the statement said. The monarchy also said that it will investigate what led to Galvan’s release.

Meanwhile, Moroccans on social media are trying to organize another protest in the next few days.

Galvan was one of 48 Spanish prisoners who were pardoned. King Juan Carlos of Spain thanked King Mohammed for his action, according to a statement on the Moroccan monarchy’s site dated July 31.

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