SON DG Vows To Continue Aiding Growth Of Businesses Through Standardization

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The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) will continue to aid and support genuine businessmen through its quality assurance and standardization of activities.

Director General of SON, Osita Aboloma gave the assurance, at a one-day capacity building programme for welding practices, procedures and quality assurance held in Kaduna on Thursday, February 8, 2018, organised in partnership with MEDAST Limited.

“SON is poised at ensuring that improved quality/reduction if risk and a level playing field is created for our manufacturers, importers, traders, exporters as well as product end-users. This effort must ensure that genuine business persons are not disadvantaged by persons who engage in the manufacture, importation and sales of substandard products in our country.

“The organisation would continue to aid and support genuine businessmen through our quality assurance and standardization activities. That is the more reason, SON Act 14 of 2015, reduction of substandard goods in Nigeria, Product Authentication Number (PAM) Scheme, the imperative of consumer engagement and today’s programme on capacity building for welders,” Aboloma who was represented by the Regional Coordinator (North West) SON, Dauda Yakubu said.

He said that SON collaborates with stakeholders to promote standardization awareness and benefits.

“Your presence here today underscores a clear demonstration of your collective and individual commitment towards growing the nation’s economy through robust public-private partnership,” he stressed.

In her remarks, the Commissioner of Works Housing and Transport, Kaduna State, Honourable Balaraba Aliyu Inuwa said the workshop was timely.

“I really love what I heard here, it is timely. I was hearing words like standard and calibration and they were really new to my ears.

“Before becoming a commissioner, I worked in a private firm, where we relied a lot on data, I must say I have learnt a lot.

“SON known to be Nigeria mark of quality, hence all hands on deck to support.

“Kaduna State Government led by Malam believes in standard, hence we will always partner in ensuring same.

“This is why the state Ministry of Works Housing and Transport sent in officers to participate in the workshop.

She advocated the adherence of standards in individual professions, while telling SON that it has a huge task ahead in ensuring standards are adhered to.

“SON I want to assure you that Kaduna State Government is 200 per cent behind you.

“A good example is in the issue of teachers in Kaduna State. The government has to ensure standards of teachers to ensure a quality future generation,” she added.

Training Manager, MEDAST Ltd, Chamberlain Nweze said essence of the training us to reorientate the people, train them, ensure they are realigned with global thinking in the process and achievement of their jobs

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