Saraki’s Aide makes Clarification on the alleged plan to increase PMS price

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The story that the Senate plans to increase Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) price by 5 Naira, from 145 Naira to 150 Naira is false. This position was made known to by ‎Bamikole Omishore, Media Aide of the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki. In a terse short message, Omishore debunked the report.

“That story is false and I will appreciate if you can please correct that mistake. Below is what transpired at the public hearing which had different stakeholders on the National Roads Fund. I have also attached the PPPRA template to this email for your review”, Omishore noted.

At the Public hearing on the National Roads Fund Bill the stakeholders were unanimous on the need to access a percentage of the funds for the sustainable maintenance of roads from the pricing template of petroleum products. While the unanimity was on a percentage, opinion varied as to what percentage. Some argued for 25%, 11%, 7% and 5% of the value of the price of the product.

This position was held strongly since most other African countries have actually implemented an average of N25 surcharge on petroleum products for the maintenance of their roads. It was the widely-held view that we may not be able to go that far in view of the economic challenges the country was going through and the need to ameliorate the suffering of the ordinary Nigerian.

The technical committee in review this submission determined that even at a surcharge of 5% which leaves the value at about N11 (at the current price of PMS) will be untenable not only due to implementation challenge that would have require that at all times, the surcharge will mean an addition burden is placed on Nigerians beyond the cost of the petroleum product. Rather it was agreed that the charge be pegged at N5 (five naira) and implemented within the existing charges template rather than a calculation arrived at in addition to the price of the product.

Therefore, what the Senate has adopted is an innovative and most sensitive approach to eliminate the possibility of increasing the price of fuel in order to fund the Roads Fund. Now with what we have the charge on petroleum products for the purpose of funding road maintenance will have to be determined within the charges template as they already existing within the PPPRA template.

finally, it’s important therefore to make it clear that there is no ambiguity in what the Senate has done as there will be no one naira added to the current price of fuel as a result of this bill. The charge is to be accommodated within the pricing charge template in effect within the PPPRA.

What the Senate has adopted is the minimalist approach to ensure that our roads can come back to life.

Where we are with our roads and why the need for the National Roads Funds;

· 77% of our roads are classified as dilapidated and dangerous, one of the highest in Africa. The average in Africa is 25%

· total of 12, 077 road crashes were recorded across the country in 2015, the News Agency of Nigeria,

· Nigeria is ranked second-highest in the rate of road accidents among 193 countries of the world.

· WHO, adjudge Nigeria the most dangerous country in Africa with 33.7 deaths per 100,000 population every year. According to WHO, one in every four road accident deaths in Africa occurs in Nigeria.

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