Removal of President Morsi a ‘coup’ -McCain

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U.S. Sen. John McCain has described the removal of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi as “a coup,”. McCain stand is contrary to the Sen. John McCainstatements so far from the Obama administration.

The Obama administration has been shying away from using the word “coup” to describe the military’s removal of Morsi.

McCain while addressing reporters in Cairo on Tuesday said “We have said we share the democratic aspirations and criticism of the Morsi government that led millions of Egyptians into the streets . We’ve also said that the circumstances of (Morsi’s) removal was a coup,” McCain also referred to the ouster as a “coup”

Two Republican Senators; McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham, met with officials there to press for a quick return to civilian life. The senators were visiting the country for the first time since its president was removed from office.
McCain insisted they were not in Egypt to dwell on the past but to help the country move forward in a peaceful, democratic manner.

Graham expressed optimism that US will continue to provide necessary aid to the country as it is one of the best investment in the world. He further said violence will destroy a future for Egypt. He added. “We’re here to help find an Egyptian solution to an Egyptian problem,”

McCain and Graham are expected to meet with government officials Tuesday. They’ll also meet separately with the Muslim Brotherhood another time.

Clashes between the two sides have left more than 200 dead. Human rights groups have accused the military of using excessive force.

The United States helps Egypt because it’s one of only two Arab countries — along with Jordan — that have made peace with Israel. If Washington pulls its aid, it could affect prospects for peace in the Middle East.

The American senators, who are making the trip at the request of U.S. President Barack Obama, will press for an end to the political stalemate.

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