Recognise Oyinlola As National Secretary For Us To Move On – PDP PATRIOTS

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Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola

A secret Position Paper compiled by a group which styles itself as ‘The PDP Patriots’ for distribution to members of the National Executive Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party ahead of its meeting on Thursday, which was obtained in Abuja has urged the leadership of the Party to critically weigh and examine some issues which the body believes could prove costly for the PDP in future, if not handled urgently by the party’s NEC.

Top on the demands contained in the document is the plea to PDP NEC to examine dispassionately the implications of the continued retention of Prof. Olawale Oladipo in office as the National Secretary of the party vis-a-vis the ruling of the Court of Appeal and his contentious appointment rather than election in a manner prescribed by the party’s constitution, which has generated feelings that he came into office through a flawed platform. Accordingly, the Position Paper states that Oladipo’s continued occupation of the position of PDP national secretary may portend grave danger for the party, as decisions reached at any PDP forum, conveying the signature or participation of Oladipo as national secretary, may be successfully challenged in court in future; and such decisions may be invalidated on account of the illegality surrounding Oladipo’s appointment and tenure as national secretary of the PDP.

According to the paper, ‘’whoever occupies the position of national secretary of a political party is the custodian of the seal of the organisation; and is like the conscience of the party, who must be free from any form of entanglements that could cause legal or moral problems for the PDP. As at now, Prof. Oladipo is not recognised by the Independent National Electoral Commission and the Judiciary, with the Court of Appeal’s ruling of November 6, 2013, declaring Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola as the validly elected national secretary of the PDP.’’

Additionally, administrative regulations and corporate governance procedures do not support or recognise a situation, whereby two people would at the same time hold one position of PDP national secretary in substantive capacity. It is simply logical and in consonance with administrative regulations that since Oyinlola has only been purportedly suspended and not expelled from the PDP, it is wrong to fill his position in substantive capacity, until the Supreme Court invalidates the Court of Appeal ruling which declared that Oyinlola is the national secretary of the PDP, or the party finds a solution to the matter.’’

“Let us hasten to state that we are worried, not because of the personalities involved, but because Oladipo’s continued outing as the national secretary of the PDP cannot be morally and legally defended, given the totality of the contentious facts surrounding his emergence and tenure. What the NWC led by Bamanga Tukur ought to have done in line with the party’s constitution, was to ask the Deputy National Secretary to act as National Secretary, pending the resolution of the matter by the National Executive Committee; or in a manner preferred by the PDP leadership. It is anomalous for anybody to misinterpret and twist the PDP Constitution as no court of law has the power to foist on the PDP any procedure that contravenes the provisions of the PDP constitution. It is erroneous to claim that the National Secretary was sponsored from the South-west zonal congress, when indeed, our party’s constitution states clearly that the National Secretary shall emerge from the national convention’’.

“If the court is misled to misinterpret the PDP constitution, NWC members, who swore to uphold and protect the constitution owe it a duty to be bold to appeal against such court orders that contravene the PDP constitution’’ For instance, what happens if any law court rules that Bamanga Tukur was not validly nominated by the North-east zone of the PDP, having been defeated at the zonal congress of March 2012; and his opponents use the court to nullify his election as national chairman on the basis of this assertion which negates the PDP constitution?’’ PDP Patriots appeal to the National Leader of PDP, President Goodluck Jonathan to seek independent interpretations of the issue of the PDP having two substantive holders of a single and same position of National Secretary at the same time, from an experienced administrator; and also seek the legal interpretation of the PDP constitution as it affects the election of the party’s national secretary and NWC members from legal practitioners outside the PDP, who could give honest and dispassionate advice. We invite attention to these issues because because any opponent could go to court in future to declare illegal, null and void, all actions taken by Wale Oladipo on behalf of PDP, by illegally performing the functions of national secretary; and this could prove too costly for the PDP. It is not neat to have two substantive national secretaries.’’

“We urge the NEC to look into all the factors militating against the smooth administration of PDP at this week’s meetings, even if it takes 24 hours to reach logical conclusions and also disallow Oladipo from attending these meetings or presenting himself as the national secretary or member of PDP NEC, which he is not, pending the outcome of the NEC meeting and the resolution of the contentious issues affecting our party. We hope that NEC members would view these points as patriotic steps that are germane to PDP’s continued relevance as the foremost political party in Africa. We shall surely overcome these trying times.’’ We also commend the NWC members for coming out of their shells after being timid for a long time to take a stand in the current crises plaguing the PDP. If they did not, they probably could have faced charges of complicity, since the PDP constitution gives two-thirds of NWC members (8 out of 12) the right to take decisions, should the national chairman fail to act, and such decisions would be binding. They could go a step further by reversing all the decisions forced down their throats by the national chairman and report same to NEC. All such unilateral decisions made by Tukur, including serial violation of PDP constitution, should be properly compiled by the ‘’G-9’’ NWC members headed by the Deputy National Chairman, Prince Uche Secondus and brought before the NEC meeting for endorsement of reversal, so that PDP could be saved from the agony of shooting itself on the foot, as these could be counted against all NWC members at the time of reckoning.’’ If his exit is largely seen as the solution to the myriad of problems he created for the PDP, Bamanga Tukur should gladly accept to step aside in the overall interest of the party, instead of threatening President Goodluck Jonathan who made him the national chairman and other organs of the PDP with contempt of court, as if he is the only individual who could ensure that Jonathan is returned to office in 2015. It leaves a sour taste in the mouth.”

“It is interesting that Tukur has forgotten that he is answerable to the PDP National Executive Committee, which is constitutionally empowered to act on behalf of the National Convention of the party which produced him. Tukur, as an individual, does not constitute the National Working Committee, or the National Executive Committee. Any suit filed on behalf of the PDP by the NWC can also be withdrawn by two-thirds majority of the NWC of the PDP, which also has the right to discontinue any suit filed before any court of law by the party. Afterall, Tukur, in the same manner unilaterally directed that the appeal filed by the PDP for stay of execution of the judgement of the Federal High Court that removed Prince Oyinlola and national officers of the party be withdrawn by Chief Joe Gadzama, SAN, at both the Federal High Court, Abuja, and the Court of Appeal, Lagos Judicial Division, to prevent the three South-west zonal officers from returning to office. Unfortunately, Tukur disrespected the pronouncement of the Court of Appeal, and chose to respect the ruling of a Federal High Court, an action which forms part of several illegal decisions unilaterally taken by Tukur, which have opened the PDP to ridicule. Never again must stakeholders allow PDP to be managed by a dictator who cannot be trusted to function as a team player.”

“We wish all our leaders and stakeholders well and pray that the Creator may give them the wisdom to put things right without fail, at their meetings this week”, The PDP Patriots concluded.

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