President Goodluck Jonathan Urges Muslims to Pray for Peace and Security in the Country

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Jonathan Goodluck

President Goodluck Jonathan has sent an Eid-el-kabir message to Muslims in Nigeria urging them to pray for peace, unity, and security in the nation.

“I greet and felicitate with all our countrymen and women of the Islamic faith as we celebrate this year’s Eid-El-Kabir. I also congratulate all believers who have successfully undertaken the Hajj this year as enjoined by Prophet Mohammed (May Peace Be Upon Him).”

He also urged political leaders of all parties to place the nation before their interests at the upcoming elections.

“As they conclude the rites of the Hajj and prepare to return home, let us all join them in offering special prayers for greater security, peace, unity and progress in our dear country as well as for the peaceful and successful conduct of next year’s general elections.

“With this week’s issuance of a formal notice of the impending general elections by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), another national campaign season is now truly upon us and I urge all political leaders in the country to place the overriding interest of the well-being and progress of our fatherland above all other considerations in the coming campaigns and elections.”

“In deciding on an appropriate response to such calls, I will place the greater interests of national harmony, cohesion, unity, security, political stability, progress, equity, justice and fairness above any personal ambition or sectional agenda. I urge all other political leaders in the country to do the same. Let us all rise above unedifying, unpatriotic and selfish personal interests and divisive sectional agenda in the coming national elections.”

The President also took time to thank all the individuals who support him in his bid to run for a second term in office.

“My administration has done its sincere best in the past four years to implement its agenda for national transformation and move our country forward on several fronts. I thank the many individuals, stakeholders, groups, associations, non-governmental organisations, unions and political leaders from across the country who have, in recognition and appreciation of our efforts and commitment to repositioning our dear nation for more rapid growth and development, urged me to seek a second term in office.

“In spite of the significant progress we have made in the past four years, our dear nation continues to face critical challenges in some areas. I am convinced however that if we persevere and continue to build diligently on what the present administration has achieved, we will surely overcome all hindrances and fully establish a stronger, more united and prosperous nation that meets the aspirations and yearnings of all of our people.”

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