Police foils bomb attack by suspected Boko Haram members in Abuja

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Police in Kubwa, one of the most populated satellite towns in Abuja, Friday afternoon according to a report foiled a bomb attack by suspected Boko Haram members as residents, market women scampered for safety.

According to the report, a Golf car filled with gas cylinders and jerrycans was said to have been parked near ElRufai Bus-top by Channel 8 Junction in Kubwa since morning.

An eye witnesses as reported by Vanguard,said many residents and passersby took to their heels upon noticing the car which they suspected could have been parked to bomb the area.

Eventually the area was cordoned off by the police anti-bomb squad after the police were invited by the chief Imam of Kubwa Central mosque Sheikh Abdulmumini Ahmad Khalid and other   residents Imam of one of the most densely populated areas of Kubwa.

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