Pierce Brosnan Interested in Joining Expendables Cast

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Pierce Brosnan

Former James Bond star, Pierce Brosnan has expressed his hopes to join Sylvester Stallone’s band of ageing action heroes in a future Expendables movie.

The irish actor revealed he had discussed joining the franchise with producer, Avi Lerner. “I said to Avi Lerner, ‘If it works out and you have a good script, Avi, you know where to find me if you still want me.’ It’s as simple as that really,” he said.

Brosnan added: “Sylvester Stallone is the one that’s given us these wonderful platforms for actors who have and had careers to go play and have fun and to entertain. To bring a bunch of guys together who saved the world, fought the bad guys, and put them all on the same stage, that’s crazy good.

“It’s just about entertainment. Avi is somebody I’ve heard about and his movies always have big brash entertainment value to them. You can really change the world and that’s great, but The Expendables? Yeah, I’d love to do The Expendables. It’s just a kick in the pants.”

The two Expendables films, starring action icons such as Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham and Jet Li, have so far have grossed more than $579m at the global box office.

A third instalment, The Expendables III, is due to hit cinemas in August. It features Mel Gibson as the main villain and also sees Wesley Snipes, Harrison Ford and Antonio Banderas joining the cast.

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