Partner with us on education, Ajimobi charges corporate bodies

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Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State has called on well-meaning ‎Nigerians and corporate organizations to partner with his government
in the education sector to ensure that needed infrastructure and conducive teaching and learning environments are provided in state-owned educational institutions.

The governor who made the call while speaking at the 30th convocation ceremony of The Polytechnic, Ibadan on Friday, said that the
partnership had become necessary in order not to leave the responsibilities in the hands of the government alone.

“Education would better be delivered when it is not left in the hands of government alone,’’ he stated, even as he expressed his administration’s commitment to making The Polytechnic, Ibadan and the two new polytechnics in Eruwa and Saki true centres of excellence in technological education.

It would be recalled that the state government had in July 2014 granted autonomy to the two satellite campuses of The Polytechnic, Ibadan in Eruwa and Saki, thus making them become full-fledged

“We, therefore, need the cooperation and understanding of staff, students and the communities where these institutions are located.
Various requests for the development of these Polytechnics are being given consideration by Government and I assure you that we will do
everything possible to ensure that our institutions of higher learning continue to be of good standard in terms of infrastructure, personnel and ancillary needs,’’ he said.

Governor Ajimobi also said that his government had noted the requests by The Polytechnic, Ibadan for re-accreditation and accreditation of
some of its programmes which were aimed at certifying the institution’s suitability to continue to train students in the courses being offered, as well as the introduction of new ones, adding that
the requests were being considered.

While congratulating the graduands for the successful completion of their various programmes, he reminded them that they had only completed a major leg of their determinations to make it in life, having successfully undergone the rigours of classroom work, practical and industrial attachments which had made them worthy of the award.

“ This is the time to put what you have learnt to practice and let the virtues of hard work, dedication to duty, perseverance and high
moral standard that you have imbibed during your training, be your watchword.

“You are charged to harness the entrepreneurship in you to create jobs for yourself and others. The reality of the present time is that
white collar jobs are becoming far between. Your handiwork is the pointer to your future,,’ he said.

The governor also acknowledged the efforts of the management of the institution over the years towards providing needed infrastructure and
the enabling environment for a functional and productive education.

“The potency of education, especially “Technological Education” for improved national productivity and socio-economic transformation of any nation, cannot be over-emphasized. It is the measure upon which indices of growth and development are hinged,’’ he said.

Governor Ajimobi described technological education is a vital instrument for eliminating illiteracy, reducing unemployment and
poverty and a catalyst for development, adding therefore that it must therefore continue to be given priority attention.

In his address, the Rector of the institution, Prof. Olatunde Fawole commended Governor Ajimobi for the way he had been managing the affairs of the state, which he said had engendered peace and progress, and particularly, within the polytechnic and other institutions in the

“Since your administration came on board in 2011, we have been graduating our students in exactly the year they completed their studies. This had been made possible following the attention that your government had been paying to the affairs of the various tertiary institutions in the state,” he said.
The school graduated 4, 977 students.

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