One million worshippers perform Eid prayers at Prophet’s Mosque

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MADINAH: Nearly one million worshippers performed Eid Al-Adha prayers at the Prophet’s Mosque and surrounding yards amid an integrated system of services provided by the Presidency of Affairs of the Prophet Mosque.

The prayers were led by Sheikh Dr. Abdulbari Al-Thubaiti who humbly asked Allah for forgiveness and emancipation of Muslims from the fire, and to protect the Kingdom and other Muslim countries from all evils.
Sheikh Al-Thubaiti also asked Allah to preserve the Kingdom’s leaders and make it a safe and stable country.
For his part, the head of media at the Presidency of Affairs of the Prophet’s Mosque, Abdulwahid bin Ali Al-Hattab, said the presidency has provided all facilities for the comfort of worshippers and visitors on a round-the-clock basis, and implemented its plans through more than 6,000 male and female employees.
The presidency completed all arrangements related to furnishing the mosque, its roof and surrounding yards, with more than 16,000 prayers mats, and opening up sidewalks inside the mosque and yards, he said.
Inspectors were also present in the mosque to direct men and women worshippers to their designated prayer areas, he said. On other services, Al-Hattab said the presidency provided more than 15,000 containers of cold Zamzam water, 40 water coolers for one-time use, disposable cups, and 385 drinking fountains in all yards of the mosque. 
Other services included installation of 250 umbrellas; 436 water-spray fans; car parking areas to accommodate nearly 5,000 cars; more than 11,000 ablution points for men and women with electric stairs leading to them; in addition to all guide services which enable worshippers to enjoy an appropriate atmosphere and perform prayers, he pointed out.‎(Arab News)

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