No grazing reserve bill at all senate – senator Omoworare

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several Distinguished Senators of the Federal Republic of Nigeria have been inundated with the request by the members of the public concerning the pendency of a National Grazing Bill in the Senate.

This is to clarify that no such Bill has been presented by the Executive arm of Government and none has so far been filed by any Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the 8th Senate.

For the avoidance of doubt “A National Grazing Reserve Establishment and Development Commission Bill” (SB.60) was presented by Senator Zaynab Kure (Niger Central) during the 7th Senate (2011-2015) which has now expired by the operations of law on the 6th June 2015 in furtherance of Section 64 (1) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).



Senator Babajide Omoworare CON

Chairman, Senate Committee on Rules and Business  

April 19, 2016

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