Nigeria’s APC Party Selects Boko Haram Courier Ndume As Majority Leader

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He was a PDP senator then. Serving as a member of the Presidential Committee on Security Challenges in the North-East, Senator Ali Ndume according to court depositions by the Nigerian Security department, SSS, now DSS, was a courier for Boko Haram.

On June 14, 2012, a Federal High Court in Abuja ruled that senator Ndume must face trial on four counts of terrorism. According to the submissions, he had forwarded Nigeria’s Attorney General, Adoke’s number to Boko Haram for further threats.

Implicated also was Nigeria’s immediate former Vice President Namadina Sambo.

SSS’ Mr James Ene Izih had deposited that senator Ndume was passing on threats by Boko Haram (via terrorist Konduga) to bomb-up Borno further if the Attorney General did not rule in the election tribunal in favour of the PDP party in the disputed Borno gubernatorial elections.

In the Vanguard’s “Boko Haram: Why Sambo, Adoke were not interrogated – SSS” article of October 25th 2012, it is stated that the SSS did not interrogate the implicated PDP Vice President and Attorney General Adoke because they were too special to be disturbed, and the SSS was only going to use a certain unfathomable and certainly un-constitutional “state-craft” to evaluate them for their links to terror. Quoting SSS’ Izih, “however, instead of inviting them for questioning as we did in the case of Ndume, the service decided to investigate the claim using our state-craft.”

Senator Ndume and the rest state-craft beneficiaries were guilty of possession of a telephone number which could have been useful in investigating Boko Haram and not divulging this to the State security services. An offence in violation of the provisions of Section 7 (1) of the Terrorism Prevention Act.

While senator Ndume, former Vice President Namadi Sambo and Attorney Adoke are innocent until proven guilty, these suspects are not eligible to retain official roles in any capacity of government until investigations are completed.

But alas, in Nigeria, Boko Haram that ravages the northeast is a joke and our congress is a place of inebriated blood-money thirsty jesters. Those accused of sponsoring political Boko Haram are not only nominated and elected senators, but even majority leaders.

Senator Ndume was last week nominated majority leader by APC senators and the senate president happily adopted. It is necessary to note that the APC party leadership opposed the nomination and confirmation of the Boko haram courier by Saraki.

The blame of this insult to our national conscience and National Assembly spitting on the graves of the victims of Boko Haram does not only rest with the billions of dollars narcotized senate, or do we call them, ‘sin-ate.’ The blame squarely lands on the shoulders of the defeated and deluged masses. It was us after all that just voted Ndume for a new term in that mouldered senate we still allow to exist.

The more we as a people fail to act, the more the sin-ate will show us why they earn N1000 for each of 150 million Nigerians (N150 billion per year)

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