Nigeria: I See a Sliver of Light at the End of a Dark 50 Year Long Tunnel

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Kwankwaso and Fashola—a possible presidential ticket combo?
I am not a politician; I careless, APC, PDP… frankly, I detest politicians. I simply value good people, the God-fearing and Rabi’u Musa Kwankwasoprogressive leadership. I see possibility in this. I see hope.

Hey, they may steal 10% of our wealth, but with 90% they will build a GREAT Nation! The current steals 100% and then taxes, fines, removes subsidies, plans road-use tax, brings in McKinsey tax consultants and schemes at all sorts of siphons to get change from the pockets of 100 million of us destitute to run what is run of the country.
I see recovery. They will recover all our stolen and sold-to-cabal assets, as late Yar’Adua overturned the sales back then before he was put out. Let these vultures sell on, we will get them back and Fashola will run them in Govt-Private healthy partnerships, as he runs so much already for 1/5th of Nigerians in Lagos, that 30 million populated state that’s more than many a country.

They will monitor and put a check on corruption, as Kwankwaso runs Kano, that massive state. I heard he personally set up his phone to receive alerts from all ministries to know exactly what money is being transferred and to where. He will plug the holes in our government. Nigeria will for once breathe, pure of wanton looting.
Is this a dream? Can we at last get there?

I see, even Asari Dokubo rejoices from his prison cell in Benin Republic. Alas, Dokubo had to confess, he said, “monkey no fine but hin mama like am.” Meaning- though he, like the rest of us knows that the current leadership is hopeless, he only has to support him being a kin. Dokubo knows better. He himself wants better. After all, what value is looted wealth when your ancestors turn in their graves, when your neighbors starve, when coffins litter, when pollution wrecks your villages, when your head is carried in shame at home and abroad?

I see inclusiveness—a new government that will not call in thieves as we have it now, but will rather call in smart, fresh young minds to brainstorm and found a new nation or federation. I see openness, I see opportunity, I see conference. I see leaders that will convene a real sovereign national conference if this is what we still want.
547 days to go to all possibilities?

I see a leadership that will represent Nigeria tall and proud abroad, who will not be known for drunkenness and tardiness at all important meetings overseas. I see hope, I see promise, I see pride.
Can this be possible? Are we really counting down to Nigeria’s return to the world map as a nation that is important not only to its people and to Africa, but is a player in world events?

I see compassion. The thieves who have over the years, stolen and are currently stealing trillions from Nigeria will be given the option to return the entire loot to the people or die in jail. But they will be given the option and after recovery of the loot, possibly put to work-hard for the rest of their lives, to return what’s owed, but spared death and maybe jail, under this compassionate duo. That I see.

547 days? Or perhaps sooner, can Nigeria wait? Can we afford to wait? Perhaps we can and will impeach this team and get them out of here. Drive those crazy baldheads outta da yard. The nation desperately needs repair. We can’t keep squealing to the world with every depressing statistic, that they are working for “the opposition,” that they are after us. The Niger Delta needs cleaning, NOW! How much toxicity can that poor land bear? How much longer do our parents cry for us, do our kids go to school knowing their future is stolen? Will Nigeria really wait out those 547 days or will we do what is right and impeach sooner? It is time already to heal the wounds and cover the tombs, is it not?

I am used to writing depressing and frustrated articles. Today I write with hope and cheer!
Is this a dream?
I quoted this sometime ago, I must quote it again:

2 Timothy (KJV)* 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,… 9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their’s also was.

Mahatma Gandhi:

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”
In Joel Brinkley’s words earlier this year: Good luck, Mr. Jonathan. It’s time you were impeached!
Yours in Hope, Dr. Peregrino Brimah [Every Nigerian Do Something]
Email: Twitter: @EveryNigerian

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