NBA mourns Ocholi

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Olorunfemi Ojo


 Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has noted with sadness the tragic and unfortunate demise of James Enojo Ocholi(SAN), the Minister of State for Labour andProductivity in a ghastly motor accident along the Kaduna-Abuja Expressway on Sunday.

A statement by the President of the Association, Augustine Alegeh (SAN), regretted that the fact that Ocholi died along with his wife and son makes the entire incident more painful. 

NBA stated, “the late James Enojo Ocholi was a devout Christian, a perfect gentleman, an astute legal practitioner anda member of the National Executive Committee of the NBA who dedicated his life in selfless service to the nation and humanity. 

“Little wonder he was appointed an Honourable Minister by President Muhammadu Buhari in recognition of his modest achievements and sterling qualities.

“He contributed immensely to the growth and development of the nation during his short stint as the Honourable Minister of State for Labour and Productivity.

“The NBA commiserates with the entire Ocholi family, the Government and good people of Kogi State, the Federal Government as well as all Nigerians on the unfortunate demise of this illustrious son and a great achiever for whom hard work, integrity and philanthropy were articles of faith.

 “Whilst we mourn him, we should take solace in the fact that he lived an exemplary life here on earth and left behind a legacy of statesmanship and enduring love for humanity.

“May God in His infinite goodness grant usall the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss as we pray for the repose of his soul and those of his wife and son who died in the tragic mishap. The entire Bar mourns one of Nigeria’s greatest legal minds”.

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