Mrs Buhari Holds Talks With Governors’ Wives

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‎Olorunfemi Ojo


In an effort to form a strong front at bringing succour to the to the populace, the wife of Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari met with wives of state governors on Monday at the Aso Villa, Abuja.

Aisha Buhari at the meeting called on governors wives to do more for the poor.

The meeting, held at the First Lady Conference Hall, was to find out  ways in which governors’ wives could serve the interest of their people well.

Aisha while stressing that the Governor’sWives Forum was a good avenue for them to support the efforts of their husbands toward delivering the change agenda noted that though the constitution did not provide a political role for First Ladies, but said, that should not stop them from making impact in the lives of the people.

Her words: “As wives of political office holders, we must continue to do our best in contributing to the success.“I believe in our little ways, we can assist them to bring succour to the populace, especially those in need such as victims of insurgency in the North East and other forms of violence, physically challenged and other vulnerable groups.

“It is on this note I felt it is important for us to come together to strengthen our unity and extend our solidarity to each other under a common platform.

“There, we need to develop strong leadership structures in the two regions not only in one as the case with the already known Northern Governors Wives Forum of the country.

She advised First Ladies to develop programmes that are capable of impacting positively on the lives of citizen particularly on the lives of citizens who are from the less privileged members of the society.Aisha later listed some of the challenges facing the poor to includefemale inheritance rights, female genital mutilation, early marriage, widowhood rites, high mortality, violence against women and children, among others.

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