Lawal Babachir Is Just Like Sambo Dasuki

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Peregrino Brimah

January 2017 is coming to an end and Nigeria’s Secretary General to the Federal government, SGF at the Presidency has yet to be relived of his duties and properly investigated by the appropriate authorities towards recovering millions of dollars allegedly diverted from PINE northeast rehabilitation funds and the punishment that may be due.

The Buhari-ordered paddy-paddy “investigation” by the Attorney general of the Federation, AGF Malami, was no more than delay tactics and a ruse as his office is not equipped and entrusted with investigations of ordinary civilian crime suspects; a duty the police, EFCC, ICPC and DSS are equipped and whose duty it is to handle, before their results may possibly be reviewed by the AGF.

As was foreseen, president Buhari’s letter to the senate today, clearing Lawal Babachir of wrongdoing is one of the worst slaps in the face for all Nigerians and drawbacks to the dwindling hopes of needed change of this and future generations.

Sambo Dasuki’s crime for which he is being continuously held against court orders belongs to the same category Lawal Babachir stands accused of. Dasuki is most noticeably condemned and hounded for diverting moneys meant for the war against Boko Haram. North-easterners died in thousands under the Dasuki era of pain and continue to die in the same numbers from starvation under the grand looting of Buhari’s Babachir in addition to several other similar and unrestrained accused persons looting at state and national emergency levels as detailed in a theCable investigation last December.

Babachir stands accused of diverting and misappropriating funds set aside for PINE by the Jonathan government through his private companies and their affiliates even before the Buhari administration took over and budgeted new funds again immediately paid upfront and in full to be swallowed by companies the SGF is signatory to.

A Muslim narration by Bukhari goes: “Those who came before you were destroyed because if a rich man among them stole, they would let him off, but if a lowly person stole, they would carry out the punishment on him. By Allah, if Faatimah Bint (daughter of) Muhammad were to steal, I would cut off her hand.”

Where there is no equity, there is not justice; and where there is no justice there can be no peace and progress.

As long as an increasingly lengthening list of similarly accused persons like Abba Kyari, Buratai, Danbazzau, Babachir and the rest stay enjoying with brazen open Buhari-insured immunity from proper investigation and prosecution, we should free Dasuki.

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