Large Turnout of Voters Characterized Kwara Local Government Election

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Kwara State Governor

The Local government election in fifteen Local Government Areas of Kwara State was held peacefully today with only three political parties taking part in the exercise.

The exercise, saw people trooping out in large numbers to exercise their voting right, while adequate security was provided to guard against breakdown of law and order.

As early as eight o clock, people had started trooping into various polling booths for accreditation. While others went back home to come back for proper voting, others waited at the polling stations to exercise their civic right.

In most of the centres at Ilorin West, South and East, the voters, mostly women queued up peacefully with no crisis recorded as major roads were deserted due to the election.

In Ajikobi ward and Jimba ward both in Ilorin West; the voters expressed appreciation to the umpire for quick arrival of voting materials and for prompt commencement of the voting exercise after the accreditation.

The situation was the same in other polling units as people turned out in large numbers

While the PDP chairmanship candidate gave kudos to the umpire and the voters for being peaceful, describing the election as most peaceful, the state secretary of the Labour Party lamented that voting materials were in short supply in some wards in Ekiti local government area. He also commended the peaceful nature of the election.

The state chairman of Independent Electoral Commission, Uthman Ajidagba while monitoring the election in Afon, the headquarters of Asa local government, expressed satisfaction with the turnout of people which he described as impressive.

He appealed to the electorate to continue to remain calm and await the announcement of the result later, after the collation at each local government secretariat.

The state governor, Abdulfattah Ahmed while casting his vote at his ward in Share, the headquarters of Ifelodun local government, lauded the electorate for being peaceful and assured of the determination of government to continue to maintain peace in the state

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