Khloe Kardashian Steps out amidst Crumbling Marriage

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Reality Tv show Khloe Kardashian was seen clubbing last night,amidst the turmoils surrounding her marriage to NBA player,Lamar Odom.

Sources say though,she was hanging out with rapper,The Game and a few of his friends, she did not drink alcohol the entire evening.Khloe left the club at around 2:30 AM, beating  a hasty retreat to avoid the paparazzi.

Its been gathered that though Khloe went clubbing,she has not given up on her marriage and is still wearing her wedding ring but has dropped Lamar’s surname from her Instagram account.
She’s also trying to figure out how to convince Lamar to seek help … something he’s been unwilling to do,as his drug problem is worse than ever.

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