Keren Akpagher: Police Autopsy Report Exonerates Premiere Academy, Shows Student Died Of Diabetes

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The Premiere Academy, on Monday said the autopsy report by released by the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) indicates that the unfortunate death of Miss kerenakpagher, was caused by diabetes.

Miss kerenakpagher, who until her passing on 21 June, 2021, was a Senior Secondary Class 1 (SS1) student of the Premiere Academy, Abuja.

Her unfortunate death generated much controversy following accusations and counter accusations over what must have caused the late student’s sudden death.

However, a statement made available to journalists on Monday by the management of Premiere Academy noted that the Police autopsy report revealed that the late Miss kerenakpagher died of hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar), a complication arising from diabetes mellitus, putting to rest the raging controversy the followed the late student’s death.

“The Premiere Academy, Abuja is releasing the following statement in line with its avowed commitment to keep all its stakeholders informed on the developments as they regard to the circumstances surrounding the unfortunate death of Miss kerenakpagher, who until her unfortunate passing on 21 June, 2021, was a Senior Secondary Class 1 (SS1) student of the school.

“The Nigerian Police invited the school and the family of the late student on Wednesday, 8 September, 2021 to brief us on the outcome of the report of the autopsy examination conducted on Wednesday, 7 July, 2021 by its appointed consultant pathologist, Dr Desmond Ike Okonkwo, the principal pathologist at the Maitama General Hospital, Abuja.

“According to Mr Fom Pam Joseph, a Deputy Commissioner of Police and the head of the investigation team in charge of Miss akpagher’s case, who briefed the parties, the autopsy report revealed that the late Miss kerenakpagher died of hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar), a complication arising from diabetes mellitus. The report further revealed that no disease was observed.

“It is also important to noted that while the findings of the autopsy, as contained in the interim report, are consistent with the position of the school that the Late kerenakpagher may have died from the mismanagement of her diabetic condition, they are at variance with the claims from some quarters, including the family, that the late student died of sepsis arising from infection caused by ‘decayed’ condom left in the uterus of the late student.

“Mr Joseph also informed parties in attendance in the meeting that the report is an interim one as the final report will only be due after the police investigation team must have carried out a DNA test on the substance the doctor at Queens Clinic Abuja claimed to have recovered from the Late Miss kerenakpagher prior to her death.

“The school is patiently waiting for the final report of the autopsy examination and calls on all stakeholders to also be patient and cautious in dealing with this new information as, according to the police, a more detailed information will be contained in the final autopsy report that is being expected.

“Our heart still goes to the family, friends and well-wishers of our dear late student, Miss kerenakpagher, who are still battling to contain the shock that her death must have caused them. We pray that God comforts us all. We also pray that God, in His mercy, grants her soul an eternal rest in His paradise” reads the statement in parts.

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