Israeli-Palestinian Clash Follow Suspected Revenge Killing‎

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for a swift investigation into the death of a youth believed to be a Palestinian kidnapped in a suspected act of revenge for the deaths of three Israeli teens.

Authorities said there were reports of a Palestinian youth outside a mosque being forced into a car early Wednesday in an Arab section of Jerusalem. A body was found later in another part of the city, and police are trying to determine if it is that of the kidnapped youth.

Netanyahu said he asked law enforcement to find out who was behind what he called a “reprehensible murder.”

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called for Netanyahu to condemn the killing, just as he did in the case of the Israeli teens.

After the body was found Wednesday, several hundred Palestinians responded with protests in East Jerusalem, and threw stones as they clashed with Israeli security forces who responded with rubber bullets and tear gas.

Israeli police said the abduction may have been a revenge killing by Jews or a criminal act, such as a feud between Arab clans.

Tensions rise

Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino urged the public not to draw conclusions and to act with restraint.

However, many Palestinians are convinced that Israeli settlers are responsible, further raising tensions between Jews and Arabs.

There were also smaller-scale clashes in the West Bank city of Jenin after Israeli forces raided the area.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in central Israel on Tuesday for the burial of the three Israeli teenagers, who were kidnapped and missing for nearly three weeks before their bodies were found.

Israeli leaders have accused Hamas of abducting and killing the three and vowed to punish the militant group.

Hamas has neither confirmed nor denied Israel’s allegations about its role in the disappearance of the students.

Authorities arrested hundreds of Hamas members while searching for the teens.


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