Isiaka, Ogun PDP Releases New Year Message

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As we enter into the New Year 2015, I use this medium in joining the good people of Ogun State and indeed all Nigerians to thank Almighty God for keeping us throughout the outgone year and for the special privilege of seeing a new year. 

The year 2014 was a challenging one for many reasons as we had to deal  with a lot of socio-economic and security challenges that not only degraded the wellbeing of many people but also made them lose hope for a better New Year because of the apprehension about the impending austerity and general elections of 2015.

However, for us in Ogun state, I BELIEVE the New Year comes with an opportunity for greater living. I want my people to get filled with renewed hope that Life will be More Abundant for them. Let us forget the disappointments and failed promises of the present. Let us not be despaired by the insincerity of a leadership that promised more but delivered least. The foundation for this new optimism is the window provided our people to bring in credible leadership that can enhance their welfare; as we go to the polls next month. 

As the gubernatorial candidate of the PDP in Ogun State, I see greatness and prosperity in 2015. I am deeply convinced that as individuals, as families and as a people under God, we can accomplish whatever we set our heart to achieve. I see hope, i see a great new year, I see a new Ogun state where the least among us live a good life and can pursue their dreams. Together we can make it happen only if we BELIEVE and put the right leadership in place. I wish everyone a happy New Year and Life More Abundant in 2015.

Gubernatorial Candidate, Ogun State PDP

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