I Did Not Apologize To Gov. Amosun – Blogger

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Ojo Emmanuel Adediran

A popular blogger, Ojo Emmanuel Adediran has refuted claims going on in some quarters that he has apologised to Ogun state governor over his ongoing case with the government.

You will recall that Ojo Emmanuel was arrested by the CSO to the governor in regards to a money laundry story which was allegedly made by him against the governor’s wife. He was later charged to a magistrate court which later struck out the case at the instance of the prosecution counsel.

Checks by NigerianEcho show that the case has been re initiated at the federal high court, waiting to be assigned to a judge.

Speaking with NigerianEcho, Ojo denied apologising to the State Governor.

“How do you expect me to beg someone who’s punishing me for reasons best known to him? Someone who ordered my detention for four days and ordered that I should be re arrested just of recent?

“Apologizing to someone who infringed on my fundamental human rights because he’s a governor? Such apology is a figment of imagination as there is nothing of such coming from me. As you are aware, we are still pursuing the case at the court of law and that is where I stand. Let the law decide who is right and wrong”, Ojo said.

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