Help Save Emmanuel!!

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Its a sunny day in Akure, Ondo state, a place in Nigeria’s South west region known for its quiet exposure and busy people. A place that serves as a home to State Specialist Hospital.

SSHA, as the hospital is usually called, is as seen with most other government hospitals, ever-busy. With doctors, nurses and patients streaming up and down corridors, and in and out of wards,the trademark “hospital smell” of drugs,blood and antiseptics hang heavy in the air.

In one of the thoroughly occupied ward lies 8-year-old Emmanuel Ilemobayo, frail,thin and unconscious,a shadow of what a boy his age should look like.

Emmanuel is suffering from Tetralogy of Fallot, a Congenital Heart Disease characterised by a large ventricular septal defect (VSD), Pulmonary stenosis, Right ventricular hypertrophy and An overriding aorta. Hence, blocking the flow of blood to the lungs to get oxygen, and allowing oxygen-poor blood flow to the body.

Emmanuel needs an Open-Heart surgery to help him live, a procedure which he has to get in India that will cost about N3 million,and his parents are appealing to well-meaning Nigerians to help.

Pls help save Emmanuel. You can send your donations to the account number below:

First bank : 3070683782
Account Name: Modupe Akomolafe

Below are documents showing a note from his mother, an overview of the disease :

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