Haftar launches air strikes in west Benghazi

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“Barrage targets eastern city despite reports of truce, denied by renegade general’s spokesman, between rival sides.”

Forces loyal to the former Libyan General Khalifa Haftar have launched air strikes against three areas of the Libyan city of Benghazi, shortly after reports of a ceasefire deal between the renegade commander and a government crisis committee.

Haftar’s men also shelled residential areas outside Benghazi where they say armed groups are based.

Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker, reporting from Tripoli, said that the air strikes lasted for at least thirty minutes.

A source close to the armed group Ansar al-Sharia told Al Jazeera that the group had given Haftar supporters 72 hours, ending Tuesday, to leave the Benina area of Benghazi, close to the airport.

Earlier, sources in the Government Crisis Managing Committee, which includes tribal elders, the minister of justice and various brigades in Benghazi, told Al Jazeera that a truce deal had been reached with Haftar, a claim denied by Mohamed Hejazi, Haftar’s spokesperson.

Haftar has waged an offensive against fighters, or what he calls terrorists and extremists, in the east of the country for the last three weeks.

Libya remains in turmoil three years after the NATO-backed war removed Muammar Gaddafi, with various factions locked in conflict. (Al jazeera)

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