Government Playing Politics with Lives of Ogun People

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Yosola Akinbi
‎The Development agenda of the OGD administration was centred on the need to diversify the economy of Ogun state.
This is premised on the realisation that The revenue of the state given the components of the state(60) % rural cannot help any meaningful development.
The vision therefore was to expand the economic base with the cooperation of all…Private sector, other states, Federal Government and the citizens alike.
The development philosophy of the State is based on the principle of leveraging development on the State Regional Plan in order to promote simultaneous development across the State.
It is also to create New towns around new economic centres and ensure rural urban linkages through the intermodal transport initiative.
First step was to open up the State to local and foreign investors to ensure cooperation in some of these development projects.
Most of these projects and other development efforts are based on an intensive visioning process that looks beyond our administration but looks into the future that puts Ogun State at the centre of activities taking advantage of its geographical location.
It is this location advantage that is the basis for the transportation based development projects.. The Deep sea Port, The Cargo Airport .
The strategy for Jump Starting  these projects was to identify and partner with world class organizations which demonstrate technical competence, managerial efficiency and financial capabilities to undertake these projects..only the best good for the State…Dar al Handasah the best for the airport and Cosco one of the best for the Port
While these projects are ongoing, new towns will be created. Necessary link roads constructed and quality of lives improved.
It is important to mention that all these projects are long term projects and Government was focused in the short and medium term on providing basic services but preparing for the future like now when the Federal allocation ( Father Christmas) will not be able to meet its needs.
The Free Trade Zones for the 3 regions of Ogun State was also part of the grand plan at development.
The State was lucky to have been the location of one of the 3 zones promised by the Chinese Government. The Ogun Guangdong Free Trade zone was commissioned by President Jonathan with about 30 enterprise.
Most of these have relocated back to China because they were not getting enough support of State and Federal Government.
The other painful one is the Olokola free trade zone in the east of the State. This project has annexed to it the Port and is also location of the OKLNG project. A 12 billion dollar investment by NNPC and other sponsors Chevron, Shell and BG…who have withdrawn from lack of support by Government at both State and Federal level.
The Chinese Cosco group tried for a year to push the Port project but always met a non cooperating Government.
The third zone at the central part of the State also so strategically located at Kajola to take advantage if existing rail network and build a new city around railways.
The numerous advantage that Cargo Airport has for our State cannot be emphasised and conservative estimate of more than a million job creation.
We made efforts to prepare our youths for these projects by establishing the Oni Petroleum technical school. Also to have some students trained by the Chinese themselves. Pity all these on hold now.
 We also did not leave out our small businesses in the responsibility of getting ready for these projects by coopting them in committees on the Projects.
What is interesting is that these projects have potentials for Nigeria and not just for Ogun State and now that we cannot depend on oil… It is the only way to go..
Government should not play politics with the future of the people. Development only has a way and no short cut …Careful sometimes painful Planning .
Four years late but we can still start the push now for both STATE and Federal Government…-
Akinbi was Economic Adviser to Otunba Gbenga Daniel, immediate past Governor of Ogun state.

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