Gani Adams Commends Jonathan On National Conference

“And I am very sure that the conference would go a long way to address most of the problems bedeviling Nigeria. At the conference, issues like the Boko Haram, how we would live together and how to move our nation forward would come up for discussion.
“For instance, the conference would avail all the component units that make up Nigeria to state its own case, why they are angry, their demands and how to actualize the dreams of our founding fathers.”, Gani Adams said.
President Jonathan has been widely condemned for proposing this conference at this time having condemned it in the past. Many Nigerians including Civil Society Activists have accused Jonathan of hidden agenda coming up with National Conference in less than two years to the next general elections.
“This is a big challenge to members of the committee. I would advise them to be committed and faithful to their oath of office. Whatever they come out with at the conference would go a long way to affect the future of this country, so let all Nigerians begin to pray for the success of the conference, because the decisions that will come out from the conference will go a long way into healing most of ills affecting us.
“The committee should also ensure that it does not allow itself to be used by selfish political elements to attain selfish goals. They should not allow political figures outside or within the government to hijack discussions at the conference at the expense of the people of Nigeria, as doing this would definitely lead to the failure of this great task before them.
“And for the president, let me seize this opportunity to advise him to ensure that since he has found enough courage to set up this committee, he should also be courageous enough to ensure that he does not allow his own personal desire to influence whatever decision that would be taken at the conference.
“As we approach the 2015 general election, let the president be honest enough to differentiate his ambition from the activities of committee. We should remember that the alleged third term of President Obasanjo played a huge part in the failure of the national political reform conference he convened.
“Let President Jonathan know that this is an opportunity for him to write his name in the sands of time and make himself a hero in the history of Nigeria. The success or otherwise of this conference would go a long way to ensure this, and I call on the president to take the path of honour by allowing the committee do its job.” The statement concluded.