Four Pro-Morsi demonstrators killed as Egypt boils again

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Egypt clashes: Four killed at pro-Morsi demonstrations

Four people have been killed in Egypt as security forces and opponent clashed with the supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi in Cairo and Alexandra

Troops were seen using tear gas and live rounds to halt crowds heading to Tahrir Square.

The square has since been sealed off to prevent pro-Morsi supporters occupying the symbolic heart of the 2011 uprising which ousted Hosni Mubarak.

Medical officials said at least 40 others were hurt as gunfire and explosions rocked the centre of Cairo.

Reports said the four fatalities were all Brotherhood supporters who died amid fighting in two Cairo neighbourhoods.

As clashes broke out in the capital, state TV reported further violence in the northern Sharqiya district and to the east in Giza, as well as in the northern port city of Alexandria.

There were also reports of skirmishes between pro-Morsi demonstrators and civilian supporters of the military government.Egypt boils again

Hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood protesters have died in violence, thousands have also been detained since the Egyptian military deposed Mr Morsi in July, 13 months after he was elected as president.

Several senior figures, including Mr Morsi and the movement’s general guide Mohammed Badie, are being held on charges such as incitement to violence and murder.

Egyptian authorities portray the crackdown as a struggle against “terrorism”. They are preparing to seize Muslim Brotherhood assets after appeal courts upheld a recent ban on its activities.

Morsi supporters had said they would demonstrate ahead of the anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war on Sunday
Troops also took up positions on both sides of Qasr al-Nil Bridge, which leads to Tahrir Square.

As protesters pushed towards Tahrir, police and security forces used teargas and warning shots fired overhead to disperse the crowds.

Before Friday’s clashes, soldiers and police tightened security around key sites in Cairo, including Tahrir.

Morsi supporters have said they will be intensifying their demonstrations in the lead-up to Sunday’s 40th anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war.

Opponents who back the army have also said they will take to the streets.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Brotherhood sharply criticised the officers behind the overthrow of Mr Morsi, comparing them to Adolf Hitler, the Roman emperor Nero and the Mongol conqueror Hulagu Khan.

It urged Egyptian soldiers to rebel and said it hoped that Sunday would mark a “victory by the people over those who staged a coup against them for personal gain”.

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