
FG Launches National Elephant Action Plan, Reiterates Commitment to The Preservation and Conservation of Nigeria’s Biodiversity

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The Federal Government has promised to deepen her efforts in order to reverse the current negative trend and secure the preservation and conservation of Nigeria’s rich biodiversity. The Minister of State for Environment, Dr. Iziaq Adekunle Salako, stated this at the launching of Nigeria’s National Elephant Action Plan, NEAP, which was held on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at the nation’s capital, Abuja . The Minister said the threat to our biodiversity and indeed our iconic wildlife species of global significance such elephants is becoming endemic in Nigeria. He added that the Federal Government of Nigeria is very conscious of this emergency and is thus not leaving any stone unturned in halting and reversing the ugly situation by emphasizing relevant stakeholder-driven result-oriented policies, legislative and institutional framework as strategic tools of the endeavour.

He said the launching of NEAP was a demonstration of strong determination and resolve by the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to continue to protect the nation’s natural resources including wildlife, not just for nature and humanity but also for sustainable economic development.

“Let me quickly remind you that the National Strategy to Combat Wildlife and Forest Crime recently developed is being operationalised; the draft Bill on the Endangered Species Conservation and Protection 2024 is on course in the national assembly while the Targets and Indicators of our National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) has been aligned with the global ones in consonance with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) and as validated by relevant stakeholders.

“Our efforts are not restricted to the confines of our borders as we are also collaborating with other countries at the sub-regional and regional levels to fight wildlife and Biodiversity loss. The Ministerial Alliance for Ambition on Nature Finance (MAANF) that Nigeria is championing alongside other countries of the global south is intended to help secure more funding into nature based solutions including protection of biodiversity while the recently signed memorandum of understanding with Cameroon on Bilateral Cooperation Framework Agreements on Transboundary Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forest and Wildlife Resources will not only help improve national security but also biodiversity conservation. Recently, a Nigerian delegation was facilitated to visit Kenya to exchange ideas and observe best practices on wildlife protection including how to harness it for sustainable economic development.

“Elephants are part of our history and heritage in Nigeria and the world-famous culture. They are critical ecosystem engineers, forest gardeners and seed dispersers supporting the growth of flora and fauna and fostering biodiversity. In many culture, they are source of livelihood sustenance especially through eco-tourism. Sadly, in our country, they have suffered 86 percent population decline over the last 30 years with the population of Elephants in Nigeria estimated to be about 400 as at 2021. Clearly, Nigeria’s elephant population is under severe threat, particularly the small, isolated populations of forest elephants who are believed to reproduce much more slowly than savanna elephants and are even more vulnerable to poaching than previously thought”, the Minister noted.

He said the incidences of elephants captures and killings in some parts of the country especially last year as well as other numerous threats including habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and poaching make it expedient to have NEAP in place.

“As a way out and in line with a key priority agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to unlock our natural resources for sustainable development, the National Elephant Action Plan (NEAP) being launched today, is designed to be inter alia, a tool for planning and monitoring elephant conservation measures and will serve as a framework for the strategies and decision-making of all relevant government institutions, donor agencies and NGOs. It will provide the necessary strategic framework for the coordination of all actors involved in elephant conservation and management, including government institutions, NGOs/INGOs, private sector partners and the local communities living around elephant habitats. The document is designed to be flexible and evolve strategies with new threats, new challenges, and new opportunities. It emphasizes habitat protection, anti-poaching measures, community engagement, and sustainable management practices thus creating a harmonious coexistence between humans and elephants, ensuring that both can thrive.

“One of the key pillars of the NEAP is community involvement which is apposite to successful conservation efforts. We will therefore be working more closely with communities to develop sustainable livelihoods and community conservation carbon credit schemes that could assist to improve community well-being and consequently reduce activities that are harmful to elephants and their habitats. In addition, this action plan recognises the importance of robust law enforcement and the strengthening of our anti-poaching units using a multi-sectoral and collaborative approach. We will enhance collaboration with national and international partners to combat wildlife crime and bring perpetrators to justice. By making conservation economically rewarding, leveraging modern technology and intelligence-sharing, we aim to disrupt the illegal wildlife trade networks that threaten our elephants”, Salako added.

He said the government is dedicated to advancing scientific research and monitoring programs. By understanding elephant behavior, migration patterns, and population dynamics, he said they can make informed decisions and adapt their strategies to changing circumstances. He noted that this evidence-based approach will be instrumental in ensuring the effectiveness of the conservation efforts of the government.

He said the NEAP launch is a call to action to all especially across government as well as across society.

“It is a declaration of the unwavering commitment of the government of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR and Nigeria to the protection and preservation of our natural heritage. The Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Environment and other partner agencies will continue to frontally confront poaching and illegally trade in our wildlifes including elephants. I call on all Nigerians to join hands with us to create a future where elephants roam freely across our forests for us and future generations to enjoy and marvel at their majestic spectacle”, the Minister concluded.

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