Dickson inaugurates 4 Commissioners, 7 Perm Secs …charges them on healthy work attitude 

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Olatomiwa Ajigi 


As part of efforts to reposition the restoration government for effective service delivery and increase productivity, 4 commissioners and 7 permanent secretaries have been sworn in, bringing the total number of the State Executive Council members to 18.


In his charge to the new appointees at the Executive Council Chambers of Government House, Yenagoa on Wednesday, Governor Seriake Dickson reminded them that, they were coming on board the government at a time, when the national economy had nosedived.


He noted that, the revenues accruing to the state from the federation account represents less than a quarter of the financial receipts during the inception of his first term, stressing that, in spite of the development, it was the government’s expectation for the appointees to cultivate a healthy work attitude and work as a team with utmost loyalty, patriotism and commitment to deliver the dividends of democracy.


Governor Dickson, who also charged the new permanent secretaries to exercise their authority in enforcing discipline in the public service, expressed his administration’s commitment to tackle issues of welfare for the workforce, just as it would equally deal with the challenges confronting the civil service.


His words: “You are joining the Executive Council at a time that is fairly different from when things were when we started. Now the national economy is in deep recession and all the economies, including ours, is severely affected. Our revenues are just about less than a quarter of what they used to be. And, so, things are very different. What it means, therefore, is that, at these times a different attitude to work is needed.


“At these times, for those of you coming on board, a different level of dedication and loyalty is required. At this time, we need more commitment to duty, less complaint, and more of service delivery. These are difficult times.


 “You need to show more understanding and support. And, I know you all, because, you are all capable of that. We have very little to tell you, because, most of you have been part of the restoration story. For the past 4 years, you have been serving faithfully, without complaining. So, you know the policy thrust and direction of our government.”


While congratulating the commissioners and permanent secretaries for their appointment, the Governor lauded civil servants for their show of patience and understanding, in view of the prevailing economic downturn.


Joshua Ongore heads the Ministry of Budget and Planning, Chief Saviour Ibegi was assigned the portfolio of Community Development, Mr. Williams Alamene mans the Ministry of Environment, while Chief Blessing Izagara takes charge of the Ministry of Science and Technology.


Chief Blessing Izagara and Mr. Williams Alamene had served in the first term of Governor Dickson’s administration.


The permanent secretaries sworn in are, Mr. Tony Tombiri, Dr. Eseimokumoh Godspower, Mrs. Kenisuomein Walson and Mr. Lucky Salolomo.


Others are, Dr. Dagana Johnson Amaowei, Mr. Tony Ike and Mrs. Tesoma Turner.      

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