Deposed Deji of Akure Begs for Second Chance

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The disgraced former Deji of Akure has appealed to Olusegun Mimiko, the Ondo State governor, to reinstate him to his former chieftaincy position.

In the letter, Oluwadare Adeshina, who was deposed in June 2010 and subsequently banished by the Executive Council of Ondo State, said that he had realized his mistakes and promised not to witch-hunt individuals who played prominent roles in his deposition. He also promised, if reinstated, to withdraw all the suits he had instituted against the governor and the state government.

“For the avoidance of doubt, in the likely event that you and your honoured Council do graciously vacate and/or rescind the orders of my deposition and banishment, I do promised you and the good people of Akure … not to institute any further action against either your good self or any of my Chiefs in respect of any matter connected or relating to the circumstances of my deposition and banishment,” Adeshina added.

Adeshina was deposed three years ago for incessant battering of his wife and bringing dishonour to his title, among other accusations and Adebiyi Adesida was appointed in his stead. Adesida however passed away on December 1, rendering the stool vacant again.

Mr. Adeshina stated that his letter became imperative because some chiefs have already begun to jostle to replace the deceased Mr. Adesida.

“Sir, even though the sudden loss of the late Oba is painful, I however (sic) that it is important that I write this letter to your Excellency at this time.

“I have waited till now to show utmost respect to the late Oba. I could as well have waited further but for the fact that I have, on good authority, been informed of the attempts of some other persons who had actually started jostling up for the throne even before the conclusion of deserved and necessary rites of passage,” Mr. Adeshina said.

At the height of his feud with his wife, who died in 2011, the former traditional ruler was accused of pouring acid on his wife as well as engaging in public brawls and shady land deals which ultimately led to his deposition. While vigorously denying all the allegations, Mr. Adeshina blamed the incidents at that time to his poor communication management.

“Sir, I now know how important the press is. Communication and information management are issue I will never toy with again. Why did I say Communication and information management? Because none of the things I was alleged to have done ever happened!

“For the avoidance of doubt, I do not lay any blame at the door of any journalist but I admit that avoidable communication gap was the reason why the press could not even report a single account of the version of the palace at that material time. Again, I admit that this communication gap was avoidable.”

Mr. Adeshina further accused his “enemies” and officers of the Nigerian Police Force of conspiring to depose and disgrace him: “Your Excellency, you will recall that I had, first above referred to mine as well as your enemies and political detractors. This is for real. It is not a conjecture. Or, if it were not so, why would the Police decline to prosecute someone who I personally reported as using my name to extort money from members of the public?

“Also, it is on record that I was deposed on 10/06/2010. It is also on record that I was, immediately after deposition, arrested and taken to the state Police Headquarters in Akure where I made statement to the Police in the evening of 10/06/2010. Where and how then could the Police have prepared a ‘’report” dated 07/06/2010 incorporated my statement and sent same to your good self for the purpose of engineering my deposition?

“Why did the Police Authorities cook up a report against me three days before I was arrested before they got one single account of what happened from me? Sir, it is worthy of note that even after the death of my late wife and contrary to the clear contents of the medical reports of the cause of death of my late wife, the Police Authorities repeatedly invited members of my late wife’s family and expressly persuaded them to incriminate me by saying that my wife died as a result of the alleged incident of 30/05/2010.

“My in-laws clearly declined to implicate me and (sic) stated clearly that medical examinations showed the true cause of her death and that I did not kill her. Sir, I have waited patiently for years before pointing out these despicable conducts of the Police Authorities because I always knew that the truth would prevail someday. Moreover, I was scared that if I pointed these out I could as well be permanently silenced by my detractors. However, the general elections of 2011 swept these enemies of mine out of power and political relevance. Only truth and justice remain constant forever.

“Sir, considering the unjust, false and fabricated reports presented by the Police Authorities to your Executive Council which were instigated by these power-hungry politicians who are now men of yesterday. I humbly seek your kindhearted intervention towards reserving the injustices done to me by revoking and/or vacating the orders of my deposition and banishments. I also pray that you do kindly allow me to return to the throne of my fathers as the Deji of Akure.

“Your Excellency, I do not claim to be a lawyer. I do not also claim that I was a saint. I am a new and improved person. I tasted the good side of life. I now taste the bad side of life. I had fame. I later had shame. I knew glory. I later knew fury. I knew and tasted honour. I have also been brought down to earth. I fell from grace to grass. I have cried many times. I have told myself that even though most of the things I did were good, well- intended and with the support of my chiefs, I have also known that whatever happened to me , I do not put the blame on anyone. I do accept that there are always better ways to do even the good things I did,” he added.

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