Cross River Workers embark on Indefinite Strike

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Workers in Cross River state under the aegis of the Joint Action Committee of the Nigeria Labour Congress and Trade Union Congress have commenced an indefinite strike over unpaid salaries.

The Chairman of JAC, Ndoma Akpet, on Tuesday, announced the action, saying it is to protest the outgoing administration’s inability to pay their salaries and arrears despite its promises.

He said: “In spite of assurances by the government during the May Day celebration that arrears of salaries will be paid before expiration of the present administration, the government has failed (to fulfil) the promise.

“We, workers, under the employ of the Cross River Government can no longer watch as our lives and destinies are being toyed with and destroyed by an insensitive administration.

“Right now our children are out of school due to inability to pay school fees. Also a good number of us are dying because of inability to settle medical bills while starvation is everywhere.

“We are, therefore, calling on all workers under the employ of the state government to stay at home as from Tuesday May 26, 2015 until you hear from us.”

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