Fellow Nigerians, in my new outfit as a democrat, I thank you for believing and electing me, despite my past excruciating records. In view of the votes received from fellow Citizens, boys, girls, men, women, young, old, all the pets in the household; the magnanimity of the outgoing President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, to quieten the milieu, who conceded without waiting for the INEC final proclamation of the results; I declare to stay for a single four-year term, without any compromise, for re-election. I will do whatever it takes and focus on issues I need to address without being distracted for second term bid. We know what might have happened to Nigeria if the election results were otherwise. I appreciate the peaceful co-existence among Nigerians; discrediting the conspiracy theory of the demise of Nigeria in 2015.
May Allah guide us through the looming turbulence, of belt tightening policies that would engulf my administration of the four-year term!
May I solicit for your ‘patience’ and sympathy on the issues at hand, more than what I imagined, despite my twelve years of preparation to be the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I welcome the challenges ahead and establish a legacy that Nigeria would be proud of; mainly my CHANGE of attitude, fulfilling my electioneering campaign promises.
Perhaps one of the things that may be said about 2015 Nigeria elections is perhaps the first time two equally formidable National political parties went through a national election with their candidates, where the results reflected on how the nation would like its leader to pilot Nigeria affairs; producing leadership vision, backed by political will, purposefulness, action and pragmatism toward performance!
Either Jega rigged for me or not, that is not the issue now. We have to collectively fight ELECTION MALPRACTICES, allowing votes from underage, members of the household, men, women, boys, girls, pets, and the overblown population.

After the election, the APC Governors met with me and would not be able to pay their workers April, talk less of May salaries. Some have not even pay up to six months, borrowing from private citizens to pay the employees. Some states have been playing politics with the 2011 severance pays, and pensions, as some resources to pay those bills were used for elections. Henceforth, my administration will stop the use of public fund for elections.
We need to CHANGE. CHANGE has come. Castle built in the space will be reconstructed. We are not making excuses that the outgoing government is sabotaging the economy by emptying the treasury, as they have to pay outstanding bills. The government is an on-going process, the incoming government will continue where the previous administration left it. Nigerians have to be patience with us that the promises made during elections are not realistic.
I reiterate, my fellow citizens, “The expectation is too high, and I have started nervously to explain to people that Rome was not built in a day. For this to be corrected, please, give the incoming government a chance.” I nervously realize the high expectations of Nigerians from me, with the hyped 2015 election promises.
Some Nigerian political prostitutes, instead of accepting the defeat of the elections in good faith and face other aspects of their life; they are shamelessly defecting and lobbying for political posts. APC is not encouraging one-party system in Nigeria. As a Democrat, I will work to sustain, not cripple our democracy. I promise to get the best qualified Nigerians who reside abroad to join my administration.
I will prove our erudite Professor wrong in his submission in December 2014, that I have nothing to proffer the country; while a US envoy was of the opinion that a vote for me was not good for African continent. I will prove the chimera wrong. Realizing that in democracy the weapon electorates have, is their votes, I might have made some misleading political statements that won me the election.
Once again, Nigerians should be patience with me. Some would say, ‘Ba Patience, Patience ke, Mba for Patience’, Nigerians are out of patience. They have been patience since Independence. It is time for action. Twelve years of my planning to be the President was sufficient to roll out my blue print immediately.
During the campaign, I mentioned “The first one is INSECURITY in the North-East and the Niger Delta where people are kidnapped and ransom is being demanded which people cannot afford.” I will surprise Nigerians that Security is an inalienable right of all citizens.
The Nigerian Police Force will be of international standard and I will stop the Police in abusing its powers of protecting Nigerians. Collection of anything from Nigerians, in return for securing them would not be tolerated by my administration. The insurgent, because we know of its sponsors, would come to an end within six months.
I will deal with Boko Haram precisely through a well equipped Military at a cost of N170 trillion and welfare package for the Military personnel. I would devote N222trillion for the local vigilante, and for Nigerians to fish out all social maggots in all ramifications; with an immediate implementation of the new security policy.
I also mentioned that “The second one is UNEMPLOYMENT, 60 per cent of Nigerians are youths, most of them, whether they went to school or not, are unemployed and that is dangerous. So we have to get the issue of the economy right to make sure the jobs are made available and we should try to kill corruption before corruption kills Nigeria. Let us practice what we preach as well.”
It is obvious that we are going to inherit huge debts which may delay speedy progress of my campaign promises in our respective states, including Lagos, Edo, and Osun, which are currently the most indebted in the country.
Myopically, I got carried away by the election fever, when I stated that I would make One Naira to level up with One US Dollar, N1=$1. I apologize to have used that bait to win the election, which I took as a child play. As Okonjo-Iweala advised to save for the rainy day, it is already raining and the REAL STORMY day is here. We will navigate our way through this together while we tighten our belts to survive.
My other agenda is the epileptic POWER SUPPLY, and making the agency to supply adequate power to Nigerians. I will fish out IMMEDIATELY the clowns in the system. The witches and wizards that have been working to disrupt the regular power supplies will be discomfited by my administration.
I want to end the menace of the Okada operators that compete with fast moving vehicles on the express roads, so that they can use the power for some productive professional works, like welding, and some other creative professions on a small scale, to support the growing economy. The regular power supply will be done within nine months.
My other surprising package area of my administration for Nigerians is the HEALTH SECTOR which will be accessible and avoidable for an average Nigerian. No one has to travel out the borders of Nigeria for medical attention, including myself. My personal travel for medical treatment will be zilch, as I will get all my treatments in Nigeria. I will put smiles on the faces of Health Workers with adequate equipment, regular power supply, and attractive welfare package.

Okada Transportation
However, you have to help me fight CORRUPTION in the society.

An average Nigerian mentality on this matter must change; and with you, I will do that. The corrupt thoughts, running through the veins of an average Nigerian, will be fought with all vigor, and energy; that service is more important to Nigerians than the fame or wealth. We have to collectively and fervently work against this sleaze issue, which was the nucleus of my campaign.
Nigerians and the entire world are waiting for my magic wand in fighting corruption in Nigeria. I am starting from my kitchen storage, where I have some rotten food items. My house decomposed from room to room; especially with the too powerfulCENTRAL GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA. Regardless my heavy budget on the Prison, the Independent Anti-corruption Agencies, I will revamp the structural defect of the system, when there will be transparency, accountability and credible Judiciary. The National Assembly has to cooperate with my administration, in all ramifications, to fight corruption, the too powerful central government while empowering the States to control of their resources and the security system, among others.
The Nigerian Customs Service is corrupt. The Nigerian Police is corrupt. The Judiciary is corrupt. The Nigerian Civil Service is corruption ridden. The military is not better. Nigerian politicians are the worse brigands. Your astute vote is a guaranteed corrupt-free administration, where Saints will govern you from now on.

Corruption in the Law Enforcement Agent, the Nigerian Police Force
Even those who contributed to my campaign successes will be scrupulously scrutinized and ask to cough out the money spent on the campaigns that brought me into power. Those that have defrauded the Government should refund the government immediately. Assets declaration would not be the only thing I will do, I would start from my staff, by cutting their salary by 75%, merge some Ministries, Agencies, while asking, and demanding all States do the same thing, regardless which Political Party they belong, as long as I am the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
My administration will bolt the exorbitant remuneration of the NATIONAL ASSEMBLY members of N29,479,749.00 per month, N353,756,988.00 per year, with only 106 bills passed in four years. The salary of a Nigerian lawmaker is 116 times Nigeria GDP per person. The minimum wage is N18,000.00 per month, and N216,000.00 per year. At this rate, it will take an average Nigerian worker 1,638 years to earn the yearly salary of a Nigerian Senator. Separation of power will be respected. However, I will prevent the mad rush to the National Assembly.
Fellow Citizens, you should help me fight this war on corruption. You know the status of some Nigerian politicians before becoming a member of the National Assembly. In few months, they started building mansions, using exotic cars, THEIR Domiciliary accounts deposits are in millions, travelling to Europe, America, Asia, and Africa and across the world; without questioning, without much improvement in your communities. Unfortunately, you keep on re-electing them. Hardly do they meet with you after the elections until they are seeking for your mandate again. In as much as they bring to you bags of rice, oil, motor bike, which crippled the community, you hailed them, being the right person to represent your interests.
When they are invited by the Police to give an account of their stewardship, you would be the first to protest and block chances of presenting their report cards to you. Once they give you the fish to feed the family for a meal, you never know the way of making such fish, Shikena!

Sleeping on Duty: Corruption in the Law Enforcement Agent, the Nigerian Police Force: Watching
Corruption will be controlled in the MEDIA HOUSES that have to extort State Governments on a monthly basis, for news coverage without being objective in their news reports; wrapping, the corrupt practices of such government. I will ban any media house that is very subjective in its reporting styles. I will wage war on immoral practices of the media house of ‘cash and carry’ policy or any acts of indiscipline in the society.
I am telling Nigerians that my 4-year term, without any distraction of coming back in 2019, would be focussed on my services to prove my rich wealth of experience and energy for Nigeria at my age. Age is no barrier to what I will do for this country.
Fellow Citizens, stop pitching your tents with corrupt individuals who would not improve your life, your children, and great grand children. Therefore, corruption is a task that must be fought hands down. I need your cooperation and understanding with patience; even though Nigerians are out of patience.
Beginning with my administration, corrupt practices will no longer be tolerated.
May Allah Bless us!