CNPP Congratulates Osita Okechukwu, New Voice of Nigeria (VON) Director-General, on His Appointment

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In keeping with the noble character of Conference of Nigeria Political Parties (CNPP) of which you served as the Publicity Secretary before you recent appointment as the Director-General of Voice of Nigeria (VON), the CNPP heartily congratulates you on your new engagement.


We believe that you will be in the fore-front of anti-corruption fights of President Muhammadu Buhari administration, as well as championing the image-defence of our dear country, Nigeria.


We are also confident that you can make VON a more vibrant institution with fresh vision and robust capacity.


CNPP shall always demonstrate its solidarity and comradeship with you as we wish you more wisdom and successful tenure.



We believe in your ability and wisdom to harness both human and material resources at your disposal to perform your duties.




Alhaji Balarabe Musa

Chairman, CNPP.


Willy Ezugwu

Secretary General,



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