Chris Brown’s Hearing Adjourned to April 23 as Court Orders him to Stay in Jail

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American R&B Singer, Chris Brown has been ordered to stay in jail until a probation violation hearing next month after a judge expressed concerns about his ability to stay out of trouble.Chris Brown

The 24 year old was arrested last Friday when his dismissal from rehab triggered a violation of his court-ordered treatment following his 2009 assault of ex-girlfriend, Rihanna.

The singer’s hearing is scheduled for April 23 and is complicated by a misdemeanour assault case he faces in Washington DC on April 17.

Brown was removed from the rehab centre for violating four in-house rules, including inappropriately touching a female client on the elbow, initially refusing a drug test and making a provocative statement, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge James Brandlin said.

Brown told a group session at the rehab centre: “I am good at using guns and knives,” the judge said, reading from a report filed by the centre.

“I have concerns about his inability to stay out of trouble,” Brandlin said before ordering Brown to be held without bail.

Brown, dressed in a bright orange jumpsuit after spending the weekend at Los Angeles County’s Men’s Central Jail, was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs as his mother Joyce Hawkins sobbed.

“None of these things rises to the level, in my humble opinion, to be remanded into custody,” argued Brown’s attorney, Mark Geragos, whose request to have the singer change into a gray suit he had brought for him was denied.

“He has the current prospect of sitting on ice for six weeks, which is longer than the standard probation violation.”

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