Blast outside Cairo courthouse injures two policemen, civilian

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A bomb exploded outside Misr Gedida Courthouse in eastern Cairo on Monday, wounding two police officers and a civilian, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported.

The injured have been rushed to nearby hospitals.

This is not the first time a bombing has targeted the court complex; in March, a bomb shattered the building’s façade and damaged its doors, but left no casualties.

Islamist militants have carried out scores of deadly attacks, most directed at security forces, since the 2013 ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi.

The attacks have killed hundreds of policemen and soldiers, mostly in the border Sinai Peninsula, but also in other parts of the country.

In July, a car bomb exploded outside the Italian consulate in central Cairo and killed a civilian, the first such attack directed at a foreign mission since the militant campaign began two years ago.

An Islamic State affiliate in Egypt, which has claimed the deadliest attacks in the country, has more recently urged followers to attack judges.

(TVC news)

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