Battery Case: Juror to see video of Kanye West attack on a Paparazzi

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Following the Kanye West Battery case in Los Angeles,Prosecutors have said they want jurors to see all the videos of Kanye attacking photographers.

The L.A. City Attorney believes Kanye has a Mode of Operation when confronted by the paparazzi which is to ATTACK.

They believe what Kanye did – allegedly battered a photographer at LAX on July 19 and tried to steal his camera – is what he typically does, and they want the jury to see other incidents to prove their point .

Other such incidents include an incident at Kanye’s Hollywood Hills home, where he went nuclear on the photographers, whom he claims were trespassing on July 12 at 4am; onMarch 10,Kanye ordered a TMZ photographer not to talk to him or anyone he knew, and then grabbed the camera; on September 11, 2008, Kanye went nuts on another photographer shortly after he ran into a metal sign in Bev Hills;he also went postal on a photographer at LAX.

Criminal charges were filed, but later dropped after Kanye paid for the damage. Under California law,the judge will allow prosecutors to show “prior bad acts” if they’re relevant to the case in point.  Prosecutors say the incidents clearly show his reaction is a natural response for him.

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