Anti-Corruption: NANS records breakthrough in whistle-blowing

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THE National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) is happy to announce to Nigerians that it has made some remarkable advancement in its determination to align with anti-graft agencies in the fight against official corruption in the country, especially in the nation’s higher institutions.

Recall that on January 22, 2017 NANS led by Comrade Chinonso Obasi, addressed a press conference where we made known our resolve to take advantage of the whistle-blowing window provided by the Federal Government to join in the fight against the cancer of corruption.

Consequently, after mobilizing our state chapters throughout the country, NANS wishes to inform Nigerians that we have been able to identify multi-million naira assets of some Vice Chancellors, including those acquired through proxies, family members and siblings.

We are sure that the agencies of the Federal Government would on proper handling; net billions of naira in assets and proxy investments. It is baffling that administrators of higher institutions of learning should descend so low in primitive acquisition and unbridled corruption.

By the time these leads are successfully pursued and suspects prosecuted, Nigerians must have got a clue as to why the appointment of heads of tertiary institutions has become a do-or-die affair, entailing bribery, intimidation and other desperate approaches.

On a crucial note, we must not fail to inform Nigerians that our modest efforts did not come easy. Our field operatives and colleagues, especially the NANS President and his executive have come under constant threats and assassination attempts. We will not back down or back out until our academic institutions become the Ivory Towers they are meant to be.

While we have lodged necessary reports with the appropriate quarters, we wish to assure the corrupt elements threatening us that we shall not abandon our chosen course to expose their corrupt tendencies and evil machinations against the future of Nigerian youths.

We are putting final touches to our grand plan to mobilize millions of Nigerian students in a march against corruption in tertiary institutions, during which we hope to demand from President Muhammadu Buhari, the Field marshal of the anti-corruption armada; the removal of identified corrupt vice chancellors and administrators.

Comrade Chinonso Obasi GCNS
National President, NANS

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