Akwa Ibom State Governor warns against poor performance by Commissioners, Special Advisers

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Akwa Ibom State Governor, Mr Udom Emmanuel, has said that his administration will not tolerate poor performance from his commissioners and special advisers.Emmanuel gave the warning on Monday in Uyo at the swearing-in ceremony of commissioners and special advisers to form the new state executive council.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that 20 commissioners and two special advisers were sworn in for the different Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in the state.
The governor urged the new members of the state executive council to eschew ethnicity, favouritism and parochial sentiment in the discharge of duties in the state. He advised the cabinet members to aim high in terms of meeting the demand of their various MDAs.
“You have joined the crew at a very crucial point of the journey. The expectations are high, and you cannot afford to fail the people. We expect you to draw from your fierce analytic intellect to boost our programmes and policies. We want results not excuses, like Benjamin Franklin said he who is good at giving excuses is seldom good for anything else. Do not fail to deliver accordingly”, Emmanuel appealed.
He charged the appointees to read the policy thrust of his administration and use them as guide in daily running of their offices.
“Our commitment to industrialisation is irrevocable. We know that through industrialisation, we shall rewrite the Akwa Ibom story in employment and wealth creation”, Emmanuel said.
He noted that industrialisation remained the only vehicle to drive the economy to the highest level of economic ascendancy.
The governor said that the state was poised to copy the Chinese example in its pursuit of industrialisation. China’s achievements provide an archetypal example for us. It shall be our paradigm of development that shall open up our land to endless possibilities. I expect you to justify your selection into the crack team of this administration. Continue to shine the beacon of competence and seize the many bright opportunities before us. We may have begun this industrial race behind others but with your sheer passion and commitment, we can hit the finish line in time, Emmanuel said.
He urged the commissioners and the special advisers to put in their best to create opportunities for better life for all Akwa Ibom persons.
The governor expressed the hope that with commitment and visionary leadership, the state had the potential to join the league of industrialised states in Nigeria.‎


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