After Cop Finds Nasty Three-Letter Word Scrawled on His To-Go Order, Taco Bell Levels Some Swift Justice

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After a Kansas police officer and his fiancee picked up their to-go order from a Taco Bell in Newton on Saturday night, the couple experienced quite a shock.

The word “PIG” was penned in what appears to be black marker on at least two of their items:

The couple told KAKE-TV they called and spoke to the manager on duty, who said they could bring back the five soft tacos and get new ones. When the couple told the manager they couldn’t return since they were both working, she said she would arrange to get their money refunded and food remade.

But on Sunday Taco Bell told KAKE they’ve done one better and fired the employee who left the nasty notes.

“We do not share the same belief or view as the employee whatsoever,” Jeff Graves, senior director of operations for Taco Bell, told the station. “Our company, Taco Bell, has always been pro-law enforcement, military. We’ve always supported the police in our community. Many of our restaurants give police discounts when they come in and eat.”

Graves added that he’s been in touch with the couple.

“We’ve of course apologized to him, all the Newton Police officers and, in fact, everyone in the community,” he added to KAKE. “In fact, I’ve even met with the lieutenant with the Newton Police Department this morning, and we’re even going to plan a community event working with the Newton Police officers within the next week just to show our support for the officers and the community.”

(The Blaze)

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