Russia Tops Medals Table as Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics Ends

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Host nation Russia finished on top of the medal table as the 22nd Winter Olympics came to a close in Sochi on Sunday after 17 days of competition with International Olympic Committee president, Thomas Bach officially closing the Games with an 22nd Winter Olympicsextravagant 130-minute ceremony and handing over of the Olympic flag to South Korea whom are the hosts of the 2018 Games.

Although the build-up to the Games was overshadowed by concerns over the threat of a terrorist attack and the impact of protests against Russian anti-gay legislation, Bach said Russia and  Sochi had delivered all that it promised and risen above the concerns to deliver an impressive Olympics.

“These were excellent Games that may lead to the reversal of some criticism of the Russian organisers that preceded the Olympics,” he said.

“By living together under one roof in the Olympic Village you send a powerful message from Sochi to the world, that of a society of peace, tolerance and respect. I appeal to everybody implicated in confrontation, oppression and violence to act on this Olympic message of dialogue and peace.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who watched the ceremony from the stands and made several appearances at the Games to oversee the nation’s investment of £600m in elite sport, did not get his wish of a gold medal in the ice hockey, though Russia topped the medals table with 13 Gold medals and 33 medals in total.

The Games cost £30bn, making Sochi the most expensive Olympics ever, and featured a record 2,800 athletes from 88 countries, with 12 new events added to attract young audiences.
There were also six failed drugs tests as the most extensive anti-doping programme in Winter Olympics history saw a record 2,453 tests carried out.

Norway placed second on the medals table with 11 Gold medals and 26 medals, Canada came third with 10 Gold medals and 25 medals, United States finished fourth with 10 Gold medals and 28 medals while Netherlands was fifth with 8 Gold medals and 24 medals in total.

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